lifting a 2WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lifting a 2WD


New Member
September 22, 2002
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City, State
Douglas, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT 4.0
I want to lift my 1992 XLT 2WD and maybe put some 33s but i dont know where to start i want atlest a 4 inch lift, but i cant seem to find one rancho only has a 2.5 is that enough.....also can i use a 15x8 inch rim with 33s or do i need a 10 inch rim.....

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you should have about 5 inches to fit 33's unless you dont mind trimming alot. 15x8 wheels are fine. the cheapest way to go is tt in front aal or shackles in the rear. and a 2 or 3 inch body lift.

what kind of lift do yuo think that i need then, what brand do you recomend, also do you recomend going with a suspension/body lift, also your rig kicks ass, thats the look im going for....

you can do the 2 inch torsion twist up front for free its just 2 bolts under the truck. aal or shaclkles in the rear, you can get from then add a bodly lift on top of that. do a search here on torsion twist, aal, shakles and body lift you will find alot of info to help you make a decision. thats basically what i have. if you have any more questions just ask.

red.. where you getting this TT from? you're both first gens! :D

Originally posted by section525
red.. where you getting this TT from? you're both first gens! :D

i was thinking the same thing...... 92 xlt........ doesnt have torsion bars....

Originally posted by redrig
do a search here on torsion twist, aal, shakles and body lift.... thats basically what i have.

um..... did you put a early gen body on a late gen frame? um???????

hummmmm well for some reason i thought he was a 2nd. i was using me as a basic set up for him. sorry rob 92 you will need lift coils for the front has a 2inch lift for the front and rear. mine was 186 dollars its a skyjacker. thanks section525 for clearing that up sometimes im just not thinking.

I went with two and two, 2" suspension w/add a leaf and coil spacer, and 2 inch body lift. I still needed to trim to fit 33`s

The suspension was a procomp set of leaves and a set of poly spacers that I bought off ebay in kit form. You can get some F-150 spacers instead of poly though.

The body lift was a performance accessories kit. I wouldn`t recommend a 3 inch kit because the bumpers are a hassle, and personally, I don`t like showing too much frame, 2 inch is acceptable to me.
Another warning about the spacers for your truck, do a search, I THINK people with 2wd have problems with the stud that holds the coil in being too short so they need some sort of adapter (not sure though)

Sounds like you want the look I have, check my mod link in my sig for a lot of pics, prices, part numbers, and lots of write-ups on the processes involved.
Take your time to decide what you want, there are quite a few options!

-and welcome to the site!

there a couple of options. Here you go.
Depending on the fab shops around you can have u're beams bent for a 4inch lift. Not sure how avaible fab shops are in u're area. If you can do this then u need new coils, long shocks, and brake lines. Also get extended radius arms. OR get some custom beams in the front. Thats waht i'm looking to do next.
The second way is buy a 4inch Fabtech lift. The kit comes with everything you need. Thats what i'm running and it rides WAY better then stock and holds up very well. I'm running 35's with front fiberglass. You can email if you have any more quesitons. I believe skyjacker might also make a kit.
Dont do a body lift. Please dont do the body lift. Do all suspension.

Originally posted by Gopher
1)get extended radius arms.
2)get some custom beams in the front.
3)Dont do a body lift. Please dont do the body lift. Do all suspension.

Thats what I'm talkin about!:D

You guys no like body lifts?

lol, they are a cheap way to get extra height, but I have to agree that they are a pain to get done.

thank you...every little bit helps:)

Well, it kinda goes along the lines of "ya get whatcha pay for." For "street cruizin":rolleyes:, a body lift would work out fine. But if you're gonna offroad it pretty hard, it probly wouldn't be a good idea IMHO. I've heard of this one dude w/ a toyota PU that jumped his w/ a bl and the steering shaft shot through the firewall and killed him...I don't know how or why, but thats "what I heard."

I'm on 33's, with only 2" skyjacker coils up front:p, not too much trimming, either
