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Lights don't turn on.

I have a 92 ford explorer 4x4 xl, the only dash lights that come on are the instrument cluster lights, no a/c gauge light. And when i pull my headlight switch out to turn headlights on i cant pull it out all of the way or they dont come on. Any info on what these problems are would be appreciated.

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I replaced the headlight switch and still having same problem. headlights come on when i pull switch out all the way but taillights dont. i push the switch in a little bit headlights shut off and taillights come on.

A bad multifunction switch is your most likely cause.

is there a way to test the switch? Or do I just pay the 130 for a new one and test it that way?

Unfortunately, I can't find my service manuals for before 96. I will try and find the information and get back to you.

I replaced my multifunction switch with a used junkyard (PickNPull) unit for $20. Only takes 4 screws to replace the switch, takes a couple minutes at the most.

Bad multifunction switches can cause many weird problems. Sounds like yours has a bad turn signal circuit.

I can't find the stuff, I would do like arco said and find a cheap used one to test with. Then you can replace it with a good part later.

Ok I replaced multifunction switch and im still having same problem.
could it be a ground wire?

well that is odd. Do you have a voltage tester? If so, go to the back and verify you are actually losing voltage to the bulbs when you turn your headlights on. Pull the bulbs out so you no longer complete the circuit and ground your voltage tester to the body of your truck.

ok im gonna go test the voltage here in minute, but i just thought of something. I got this explorer with the stupid indiglo gauges(dumbest things ever) would the wiring to those be screwing it up?

Those would explain your first problem. Indiglo gauges generally have a separate switch (When I have installed them in other peoples car, I usually trigger them with a relay) because they have different wattage draw than your dash lights have. It was originally my understanding that your dash lights started working after you replaced your headlight switch, so I didn't bother asking.

There is a very good possibility the headlight switch you used for a replacement is bad if that is the case, but to be sure, make sure that you are no longer getting power to the tail lights when you turn on your headlights.

when i pull switch out i get nothing as far as voltage, but when i push the switch in to where the taillights come on(between first click and all the way out) i get 11.6 amps.
The headlight switch I put in is brand new, and the dumb gauges are wired to come on with the switch. Everything worked when i first got the explorer. I am planning on putting stock gauges back in.

I changed the gauges and still have the same problem?! GETTING FRUSTRATED!!!!
could I have bought a (new)bad switch? I jumped a wire from power to taillight wire and they came on so it's not kicking power over, right?

could use some insight on this as well my lights do the same thing but i know what caused it. just dont know how to fix it. i had cut both of the wires going to a licensplate light at the same time with power going threw the wires

I think you still have a bad headlight switch. There really shouldnt be a contact point between positions. Try a junk yard switch to test.
Good luck and I'm sorry I missed this earlier.

ive replaced my head light switch and still doing it. i can rig it to work at the moment but i dont like it. i took a peice of wire and jumped the paring lights off the headlight prong on the switch.

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