Little Tranny That Could? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Little Tranny That Could?

Redneck Girl 77

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April 15, 2007
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'94 Explorer XLT
:D I have a 1994 Ford Explorer 4x4 XLT. My transmission went out and I've found another engine and transmission out of a 1985 F250. 302 engine and 2x4 transmission. Is there any way I can convert the transmission to a 4x4? I would rather change engine and trans out all at one time then to do it later on. Thank You So Much!! :D

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Your 302 will not bolt up to the A4LD as best I know. Also to change a 2WD A4LD into 4WD you need to completely disassemble the tranny to change output shafts, and will also need a 4x4 extension housing to go between the trans and the transfer case (that part is easy). BUT!!... you are biting off a BIG bite... what you propose ain't easy. Sorry.

Thank You! WOW! That is a BIG bite!! I just want MORE horsepower! Let's toss some ideas around? How about a BIGGER engine and a 5 speed manual transmission? I've got ALOT of IDEAS and an even BIGGER IMAGINATION! LOL!

get a tranny that is out of a 4wd f-250.

A lot will depand on if you have emissions test.

If you don't you can put a carbed 302 in.

If you do have emissions test you would have to get an ECM, engine & tranny from a 1996-2001 Explorer or Mountaineer & a 4406 T-case from a 1997-200? F-150 for the best & easiest route.
