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Look what I got today - 07 fusion keys! For my 04


Explorer Addict
November 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 XLT 4x4

Got 2 on eBay for $80
They were for a 07-08 Fusion or Edge.
I have an 04 Explorer, should work for any 3rd gen.

Programming for both keys, remotes, and cutting was $80 because I only had one key to begin with.
If you have 2 keys already, you can program them yourself and save the $80 programming fee.

The locksmith hooked up his computer and it took 10 mins to program a second key for me. Then using the original and the newly programmed key, he programmed the 3rd new key.

All buttons on the new key/remotes work. The hatch even pops with the trunk button.

Ill put the original key and remote in a lock box for now as a spare.


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yea i got a fusion key cuz i didnt want 2 fobs for my lock/unlock and my remote start fob... so i just went ahead and got the key... 2 for 40 bucks on ebay

yea i got a fusion key cuz i didnt want 2 fobs for my lock/unlock and my remote start fob... so i just went ahead and got the key... 2 for 40 bucks on ebay

2 for $40 was a great deal!

def... and having just one key makes it much more convenient

I know what you mean.

Went out tonight and it was so nice to have a much less bulky set of keys in my pocket.

Now I just got to get used to where the lock/unlock buttons are without looking....

i gotta get me one!
how hard is it to program? like the alarm part?
i have 2 keys

with 2 existing keys, the programing is just a sequence of turning the ignition and switching all 3 keys. I dont specifically remember the sequence the locksmith did cause he did it so fast.

But I think the instructions are in your manual so you can do it for free.
Same with programming the keyless entry functions.

yea as long as u have two working keys ur good to go...

for the chip to program u put one working key in, turn it forward, take it out, put the second in, turn it, take it out, and put in ur new key and start up the car

for the buttons, turn a working key in the ignition 8 times forwards and backwards again... ur doors will lock and unlock... then push unlock on ur keys and turn the key backwards and pull it out... ur door locks should toggle again

would those keys work for my 01 sport

would those keys work for my 01 sport

Nope. The 3rd gens ignition dont have a collar around where the key goes in.
With your second gen, this key would not fit into the collar on the ignition.

Nope. The 3rd gens ignition dont have a collar around where the key goes in.
With your second gen, this key would not fit into the collar on the ignition.

very true... and also, the older explorers use a different PATS system... it mite not be compatible

Us aussies only have one key factory, there some advantages after all, remote starting here is illegal

will this work with a 05 mountaineer?

I notice those two top arcs on the key. I wonder if there is an advanced version for fusions w/ factory remote start? That would rock


How hard is it to change the blades on precut keys? Anyone done this yet?

so lemme get this straight, you buy the key from ebay, or wherever, then u take it somewhere to get cut, then if you hsve to keys you can prgram it yourself??? that simple?

so lemme get this straight, you buy the key from ebay, or wherever, then u take it somewhere to get cut, then if you hsve to keys you can prgram it yourself??? that simple?

If you have 2 keys, you can program yourself.
its that simple

I just bought a '05 EB- so far, I'm very happy with it. However, I only got 1 key. The guy at AutoZone told me that I have to go to the dealer for a second key, and it's like 150 - do I have any other options for replacement? I'd like to use the fusion key- that's pretty sweet...but without two already programmed keys that's a problem.

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Sorry guys, I should have read the original post more carefully. I now see it cost him 80 bucks to have the locksmith program the keys. Still, I'd get 2 keys and FOBs for the price of one at the dealer....seems like a no-brainer.
