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Lookin For 1996 explorer 4x4 suspension lift


August 31, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Bonne Terre, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer XLT
:( Help!!! Ok, I have a 1996 Ford Explorer 4wd and i have been looking for a suspension lift. I dont want a body lift, because of the added body roll and it may mess with my linkages. I 'm looking for a lift around a 2' to 4'. And preferably cheap. So if anyone can help me find a good solid suspension lift please e-mail me.

Thanks, Eric

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do a torsion twist and get some warrior shackles, that the cheapest. I think superlift or someone like that makes a 2nd gen lift but it costs something like 1500 buck.

there is superlift, rcd, or the Torsion Twist and Shackles

Also there is the 2 &3" body lifts.


how about searching..(the forum search) and welcome to the site

what skanlax said. and there are no linkages on a 2nd gen. plus a body lift doesnt mess with linkages on a linked truck. it does add some body roll, but you really cant notice it and your going to gain body roll even with a suspension lift. but use the search, it doesnt bite. and you can get about 2" of cheap lift with the tt/shackles, but if you want more, its gonna cost you 1800 i think, unless you are 2wd and then its relatively cheap.

in reality you can have 5inches of lift on a second gen for 180 bucks plus the cost of an alighnment.

nobody mentioned the Dixon Brothers long travel kit, thats what I would do if I was you and I was spending your $$$ :)

Oh wait he said to email him....I will email him and tell him he has to come here and check his thread.

i meant without a body lift, 2" is cheap lift, and if you want more (without a body lift) it gets expensive, unless you are 2wd and then you can just do spindles/tt/soa for a whole bunch of lift. but if you have the money for a 4wd suspension lift kit, and you have fabricating skills, a sas (for a couple hundred more bucks) is the way to go. and actually, if you shop around, a d30 sas with no locker or upgraded axles can probly be done for the cost of a 2nd gen lift kit. but a d44 with all the goodies gets expensive, especially if you link it and go the jefe route.

if you are 2wd you can buy numerous amounts of long travel lift kits designed for the Ranger edge and use them on your Explorer as well.

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