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Mystery Button

Mr C 2022

Elite Explorer
March 9, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Savannah, Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Explorer Limited
What is the button to the left of the emergency flasher button on 2022 Limited?

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iirc thats the parking sensoe, which detects items behind you and usually beeps at you

That is the parking aid for the vehicle to park itself. Don't ask me how well it works as I've never used it. Call me chicken. LOL

that switch toggles the exterior perimeter distance sensors, i press it to turn the sensors off when i'm in the car wash

That is the parking aid for the vehicle to park itself. Don't ask me how well it works as I've never used it. Call me chicken. LOL
Nope. I have that button but do not have the self-park feature. It disables the sensors as others have mentioned here.

Nope. I have that button but do not have the self-park feature. It disables the sensors as others have mentioned here.
Guess I was wrong. Good thing I never used it. :banghead:

What is the button to the left of the emergency flasher button on 2022 Limited?
This is the only thing I found in the Manual that is close to the picture.



I never turn it off as I want to know whenever I'm too close to things. I'd rather have false alarms than scrape up to something. Wish the kid at the dealership carwash knew how the sensors worked! It's in the body shop now. Luckily the security camera caught him hitting the wall otherwise it would've been my word against his! He must've totally ignored the beeps and scraped the white wall in the garage.


I never turn it off as I want to know whenever I'm too close to things. I'd rather have false alarms than scrape up to something. Wish the kid at the dealership carwash knew how the sensors worked! It's in the body shop now. Luckily the security camera caught him hitting the wall otherwise it would've been my word against his! He must've totally ignored the beeps and scraped the white wall in the garage.

View attachment 429049
I took my 1977 2 week old LTD two door to the car wash, The jackass kid didn't close door after vacuuming the floor, the rollers grabbed the car and sent the open door into a concrete footing NEVER AGAIN. I hand wash and or use the self service spray.

I took my 1977 2 week old LTD two door to the car wash, The jackass kid didn't close door after vacuuming the floor, the rollers grabbed the car and sent the open door into a concrete footing NEVER AGAIN. I hand wash and or use the self service spray.
I'm 53 years old and have used carwashes since I was 20 or so. No problems so far. I have also never had body damage to a vehicle at either car washes or service shops. This was a first. Once about 10 years ago I had a chrome wheel damaged by the dealership service shop when driving onto the lift. They ordered a new wheel and replaced it before I even saw it. Also, I washed cars at a Ford dealership for 2 summers in high school. So i never want to wash my own vehicle. LOL I'm lazy and even use a Roomba to clean my floors at home.

Interesting stories about the car wash. Now let's get the thread back on track. Thanks.


Interesting stories about the car wash. Now let's get the thread back on track. Thanks.

These sensors are important for getting around tight spots. I can't live without mine and hate when I drive another car without them.

Interesting stories about the car wash. Now let's get the thread back on track. Thanks.

Everyone has an opinion And from reading your dribble at times I guess your's is the only one that matters.

Everyone has an opinion And from reading your dribble at times I guess your's is the only one that matters.
No issues with opinions as long as they are posted in the appropriate threads. :thumbsup:


I never turn it off as I want to know whenever I'm too close to things. I'd rather have false alarms than scrape up to something. Wish the kid at the dealership carwash knew how the sensors worked! It's in the body shop now. Luckily the security camera caught him hitting the wall otherwise it would've been my word against his! He must've totally ignored the beeps and scraped the white wall in the garage.

View attachment 429049
I never let dealerships wash my cars. I normally bring them in clean but if not, I instruct not to wash.

The same guy who drives the car from the lane to shop also washes so there's no avoiding someone else driving the car. The carwash didn't damage my car the DRIVER or lot attendant did! As a side I never use valet parking-- ever! There are some things you can avoid.

The same guy who drives the car from the lane to shop also washes so there's no avoiding someone else driving the car. The carwash didn't damage my car the DRIVER or lot attendant did! As a side I never use valet parking-- ever! There are some things you can avoid.

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it would've been my word against his! He must've totally ignored the beeps and scraped the white wall in the garage.

