Looking for 4-6" lift for 98 explorer 4x4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for 4-6" lift for 98 explorer 4x4

Tom M.

Active Member
May 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Peoria, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Explorer XLT 4x4 SOHC
Does anybody know who make a 4-6" lift kit for the 98 4x4 explorer? I know about the TT & Shackle, but I want something bigger w/o a body lift. I did a search & came up with nothing. Youre help would be greatly appreciated.

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The biggest suspension lift that is made for your year is the 4" Superlift. You can add the TT/shackles to get about 5.5" of suspension lift.

Thanks. Was there a Trailmaster lift that was coming out too? I thought there was a featured ride on here showing it. I checked Trailmaster's site but came up with nothing.

There is a Trailmaster kit, but the Superlift has superior spindle and steering components.

the RCD kit is the new one. It'll be a 5" and it runs coil overs in the front ~ no more torsion bars.... insert drooling >>> here <<<

The only bad thing about the RCD kit is that it is even more expensive than the superlift and who knows when it is coming out. It is also made for the Ranger so that means no warranty if it is on an Explorer. But it is a better kit.

Trailmaster does come out with a 4" suspension lift. It goes for about $1,300 and takes about 30 hours to do by yourself with all the right tools. You can also add a 3" body lift made for the Ranger with goes for about $120 and takes a day to do including the ever so troublesome bumpers. The only downside to this lift is in fact the secondary steering slide that comes with it. If you sand down the steering rod that is inside the steering slide, it will make it easier to steer initially. If not, you will just have to wait a few thousand miles for it to wear in, after that, its bearly noticable. But of course you will probably be running bigger tires which will also add to the harshness of the steering. Theres pro's and con's to both the Superlift and Trailmaster lifts. Trailmaster is the cheapest I found. I am very pleased with mine so far. Check out my pics in my sig to get an idea if you want.

That RCD kit looks very nice, but will completely void my warranty on the truck. I think I will continue looking at the Superlift since it is about $1500.00 complete. Thanks for the help.
