Looking for 'Manufaturer specific parameters (Gauges)' - For UltraGauge | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for 'Manufaturer specific parameters (Gauges)' - For UltraGauge


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
I'm looking to get another UltraGauge, the newer model MX v1.3 which can display transmission temperature. I have the EM v1.2 and the gauges are all predetermined.

Apparently with the MX v1.3, you have to know some manufacturer codes to plug in.

Has anyone heard of this?

"The UltraGauge MX 1.3 is identical to the UltraGauge EM v1.2 except that the MX 1.3 has the ability to POTENTIALLY access manufacturer specific gauges. The best source of gauge codes is on an automotive forum specific to your vehicle."


I did find this thread but don't see anything about transmission temp.
I know with my OBDII scanner that it's available and I'm aware that the ScanGauge brand displays it, but I can't stand the way the ScanGauge model looks and reads.


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I have never heard of that but I'm sure theres a wire you can tap into. When doing the cluster test, you can cycle through the message center and it will tell you the engine, and trans.I don't know what cable does that though

When doing the cluster test, you can cycle through the message center and it will tell you the engine, and trans.I don't know what cable does that though

How do you do this cluster test and can it be done while driving?

How do you do this cluster test and can it be done while driving?

Click on the word 'thread' in my first post. It'll take you too the thread that talks about it.

Different instructions depending on whether or not you have a message center. If you do, look to the end of the thread.

How do you do this cluster test and can it be done while driving?
You can do it while parked because the reset button must be pressed while the car is off. so if you want to do that you will have to repeat it after the car is turned off. So yes it can be in the "self test mode" but it can't be placed in that mode while driving.
To be put into the cluster test or self test mode:
1 Make sure the car is off(key in does not matter, i do it with it in though)
2 Press and hold the trip reset or the message center reset.(Depends on the car on with one works.)
3 Turn the key to the run position but still hold the reset! Hold the reset until the message center says "self-test" (usually 5 seconds)
once in the test mode, press reset to cycle through the different tests.
to exit this mode turn the key to the off position.

Click on the word 'thread' in my first post. It'll take you too the thread that talks about it.

Different instructions depending on whether or not you have a message center. If you do, look to the end of the thread.

Will it display transmission temp? I did NOT see that in the thread you pointed out.

No it will not. Only engine coolant temp. Ford likes to use switches and idiot lights to notify their drivers. Ford doesn't even use oil pressure sensors. Just switches set to 5 psi. For the temp gauge it warms up to it normal spot and sits there until you really over heat your motor then goes to hot... For some reason Ford thinks all drivers are idiots...

No it will not. Only engine coolant temp. Ford likes to use switches and idiot lights to notify their drivers. Ford doesn't even use oil pressure sensors. Just switches set to 5 psi. For the temp gauge it warms up to it normal spot and sits there until you really over heat your motor then goes to hot... For some reason Ford thinks all drivers are idiots...

In this case they aren't talking about the idiot gauges. Basically, the message center area (mileage and tripometer) can display OBDII information from the PCM.

Yes I know. Even the built in self test doesn't display trans tempt.

I did the test today and i messed up there is no trans temp.. I got confused with my cadi that does display the trans temp... But im sure there is a war to do it espically if you have the trans cooler.. Just tap in a temp guage from some aftermarket
