Looks like I need better off-road capabilities | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looks like I need better off-road capabilities


Well-Known Member
December 31, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Davenport, IA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
Anybody that happened across my whoops post will know what I'm talking about. I got my truck buried in snow at my Dad's house because it slid off the side of the driveway. So I'm thinking I may end up needing larger tires and possibly a lift, but keep in mind that I need this as a Daily Driver as well. Most of my driving is in the city although I'd like to try taking it out to do some playing off-road. And it really hasn't had much trouble in the city either, just going to my Dad and stepmom's house. And that's pretty much all I need it for at this point. I still want to switch to a Limited Slip to help with traction in those conditions, but what about tires and suspension lift? I'm basically looking for ideas as to what would make for a good daily driver with good off-road capabilities as well. I've looked into the 4 inch lifts and they seem feasible, but I won't have the money for that for a long time. I still would like to get a custom tuner and a few other performance accessories yet. It only has the 3.27 gears, I happened across a few pages saying that the 31s should be fine with 3.73s. So I figure that'd be a simple swap in the rear, just find a junked Explorer with a 3.73 limited slip rear axle, but I'd still have to find one for the front too. Anyways, any ideas are always appreciated. I'm not looking to have it way up there, just high enough to clear a bit more stuff and make it up that crappy driveway or at least get myself out when I'm stuck. I've also began thinking about a winch and grille guard too. Let me know what ya'll think. Thanks.

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Question: How are larger tires and more lift going to help you from sliding off the side of the driveway?

Maybe a simple set of tire chains will prevent you from sliding off.

Actually that's more for getting myself unstuck. I'd like to never have the rear that deep in snow again. But I get your point, limited slip would probably be a better improvement to keep it on the trail. I read in the manual that chains aren't good for the aluminum wheels but they had something other than that, can't remember for the life of me exactly what they're called. But you make a good point there.

But for future reference if I did decide to add that stuff, as far as a daily driver any suggestions as far as lift height/tire size/gear ratio?

Skip the lift and just get lockers front and back.
A 4" lift with 35" tires WILL NOT get you anywhere if you are NOT LOCKED. You can do the brown wire mod to disable the front locker.
If you have one wheel in the front and one wheel in the back slipping, you are basically screwed. The need to have all four wheels turn is way more important then having bigger tires, when it come to getting stuck.

You can get a 2" lift by cranking up the torsion bars in the front, and getting longer shackles and leaf springs from a 4 door explorer.

That is all the lift I have, and I'm running 32" tires. I lucked out and had 4.10 gears stock though. I also have a powertrax no-slip locker in the rear axle.

Skip the lift and just get lockers front and back.
A 4" lift with 35" tires WILL NOT get you anywhere if you are NOT LOCKED. You can do the brown wire mod to disable the front locker.
If you have one wheel in the front and one wheel in the back slipping, you are basically screwed. The need to have all four wheels turn is way more important then having bigger tires, when it come to getting stuck.

I wouldn't suggest locking the front if you live where is snows at... it will be very tricky to take corners with all 4 wheels locked, or if it's in 2wd and the back is locked. I've got my rear locked, and I will only run it in 2wd to mess around otherwise, I keep it in auto 4x4, because it will fishtail very easy in 2wd with it locked on snow.

lockers don't do very well in 1-6" of snow. (I haven't had the chance to go any deeper than that yet.)

Well, I'm supposing I might try to run maybe 31s that way I don't have to do much as far as lifting, so find myself some axles with limited slip 3.73s. Yeah I experienced that one wheel in front and one in back spinning, great stuff. I haven't seen a winter like this in quite some time too, gotta say this has definitely done better than the LeSabre I had getting through most of the snow and stuff. Thanks for the info too.
