Figured out what I want | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Figured out what I want


Well-Known Member
December 31, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Davenport, IA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
Comments and suggestions are welcome and I figure since I'm still learning I'd ask to see what you all thought. My Explorer has 3.27 open differentials and I'd at least like to be able to run bigger tires and have a better towing capacity. So I've looked into 4.10s. According to the chart at the Ranger Station I saw that 4.10s would do well as a "daily driver" on 31s. I'm wanting 31s right now because I'm not sure if a lift is in my future or not, but at least they'll fit under stock height. I will also most likely be getting 4 door springs too. And last but not least I'd like to do Aussie Lockers front and rear. I do quite a bit of city driving so I was wondering how well they'll do around town and with icey or snow covered streets? Of course I do have the Auto 4WD too, so will having front lockers cause problems?

I'm asking mostly because I've been stuck once and don't need that happening again, but I've also been looking into some of the off-road parks and I'd like to see what my Explorer is capable of. Now looking at the prices of this would it be cheaper to just swap axles from an Explorer with limited slip or would my set up be street and off-road friendly?

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Brown wire mod will take care of the auto 4wd, this is a must if you are going to run lockers. i have front and rear aussies, they are pretty bad in ice and slippery snow but awesome in the mud, dirt, and rocks. i do a lot of town and highway driving with my lockers and have not had any problems yet, only some clicking coming from the front locker when i'm in 2wd (transfer case disengaged/powered off). Some people say limited slip is the way to go for a mainly street vehicle, but i said screw it and decided to do it right the first time instead of wanting the lockers later.

aussies only fit into open diffs, so if you go limited slip in the rear, you no longer have the option to go aussie.

I appreciate the info, this summer I had already planned on the brown wire mod so at least I know what I'm facing. How bad is it really in the snow and stuff? That's what I was stuck in and I imagine it would have helped me get out of it. But does it just require better judgment and and driving ability to drive on snow and ice with lockers or is it almost unbearable? I'm usually pretty cautious as it is on snow/ice. I like whipping donuts, but not in the middle of the road. Would I be better off with a selectable locker or something along those lines then? We haven't had a winter this terrible in some time, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again next year. Thanks again for the info.

I would advise not locking the front, lock the rear with whatever you want, aussie, lockright, no-slip, ect. Easiest way to get 4.10's is to swap axles from an explorer with them already.

I run my explorer with 4.10's the rear locked, with 32's and it does well in the winter with the 4x4 auto. I would advise not driving 2wd locked in snowy/ice conditions. I only do it if I want to have some fun, if I want to arrive safely i put it back in 4wd.

Ah, always good to have advice from someone not far from home. So to get the 4.10s most likely cheaper/easier to get an axle off an Explorer in a junk yard? I hear ya on the 2wd, sometimes wish I had that when I was whipping donuts. Good advice, thanks a bunch guys, hell that will save me a bit of green too, not having to do front lockers. That seems to be the thing I'm having the most trouble with is figuring out the right balance between on and off-road performance. Because here you never know what nature could throw your way, flash flood, mud, snow, rain, sleet, hail. But seems like you've found that to be a decent combination. Also since you're probably the closest person here kert, know any good off-road parks near the QCA or at least not as far away as the Badlands?

Well I very much appreciate the info, maybe someday if my brother ever gets his Dakota ready for off-road we'll hit up one of the parks.
