Lower oil pan issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lower oil pan issues


the original tramp
February 6, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Myers, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer EB
Hey guys,
Oil pan in my '99 is rusted out... The bolts are a royal PITA to reach. Has anyone ever replaced the lower pan? Any tips on reaching the bolts around the pumpkin without droppong it?



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I'm confused: What are you talking about? The oil pan, transmission pan, or the differential cover? (If the latter, front or rear?) What vehicle and which engine? All information that would help.

For a 4.0 SOHC, the lower OIL pan bolts should not be hard to get to at all. They're all right out in the open. The transmission pan, on the other hand, isn't tough to get out, it's just up behind the exhaust, that's all. It's gonna make a mess, so head's-up.

For the diff cover, on the front, you have to drop the axle. On the rear, jack and support by the frame, and let the axle droop. Drop the spare tire, and it'll be out in the open.

Hey Joe,
It's the oil pan on my SOHC 4.0 - totally rusted out. There are two bolts on the driver's side front that are above the pumpkin. Problem is they are so cheezed up I can't get a wrench on them. The 10mm is too big (slips) 9mm is to small. hen accessing from the front, the transmission or power steering cooler is in the way. This is driving me nuts! Gotta get it done tonight or I can't go fishing tomorrow!:D


It really shouldn't be an issue... All I used was a socket and ratchet for mine.... There may have been one bolt i had to put a wrench on up there, now that I think about it... But the pan isn't over the diff by any stretch... Over the axle tube, yes, but hardly over the pumpkin.

I had the same issue.... it was a piece of cake to change.

Here's my write-up on it:

Yeah - looks exactly the same - just can't get a wrench on 2 of the bolts - probably because they are corroded... my SAS was less aggravating!


Did you try a 3/8? 9mm is .354" and 10mm is .394". 3/8 is .375". If it's not all rounded off now, it might work. IIRC, they are supposed to be 9mm heads though.

More importantly, how the heck does an oil pan and its bolts rot out in FLORIDA!??!

How does the rot happen in Florida? I've been waiting for that question :)

I just picked the truck up from Upstate NY (north of Syracuse) where it has lived for the past decade...

Wire brush, PB Blaster, 9mm, 10mm, 3/8" all not working so well - gonna try a few wrenches tonight - like I said - no choice - gotta fish!

