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Lug Nut Torque

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I was wondering if anyone else used anti-seize on the lugs, Boondoggie. There seems to be a big difference of opinion on this, but I have used it on my alloy rims for years and haven't lost a wheel yet.....knock on wood.:hammer:


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I use anti-sieze on our '92 and I also use a torque wrench.. I actually carry the torque wrench in the truck.. and every time I go to Discount Tire to fix a flat or get them rotated and balanced I check how far out of spec my wrench is.. It is 10lbs off at 100lbs.. and has always been there..

I have never had a lug nut come loose and I have never had one frozen onto the stud.


Originally posted by Maniak
I actually carry the torque wrench in the truck.. and every time I go to Discount Tire to fix a flat or get them rotated and balanced I check how far out of spec my wrench is.. It is 10lbs off at 100lbs.. and has always been there~Mark

Is your wrench out of spec, or is Discount Tire outta spec? Most tire places don't even torque the lugnuts, they just grab a impact and go around in a circle until all 5 lugs are tight, 150-180 ft-lbs tight, and never recheck the first lug. Good luck at home. It's pretty bad when you gotta stand and jump on a 2 ft breaker bar the break them loose.

Originally posted by Rob_B
how on earth could u get it off in the night, on the side of the road, w/ the crappy tool's Ford supplies

Yeah, right

Discount Tire uses Pretoruqe sticks and then torque wrenches.. They have to check all the torque wrenches once a week...

I think my wrench is out of spec as I got the same results from 2 different Discount Tires.. (as far as I know, my $19 harbor freight torque wrench has always been 10lbs out of spec)..


My $12 HF torque wrench is a bit off also.

I do have to carry it around though as my lugs are 7/8 and use a huge socket. I once had to get my stock wheels off with the stock Ford wrench and couldn't do it without bending the bar a bit. Thanks Ford :rolleyes:

How many folks actually carry a torque wrench in their trucks for a roadside change?

I do.. so thats 1...


Like I said, I have to since my socket is 1/2" drive and I need the leverage.

Originally posted by Alec

Like I said, I have to since my socket is 1/2" drive and I need the leverage.

You use a torque wrench for leverage?

Originally posted by lonestar
Is your wrench out of spec, or is Discount Tire outta spec? Most tire places don't even torque the lugnuts, they just grab a impact and go around in a circle until all 5 lugs are tight, 150-180 ft-lbs tight, and never recheck the first lug. Good luck at home. It's pretty bad when you gotta stand and jump on a 2 ft breaker bar the break them loose.Yeah, right

actually, i used to work at America's Tire Company (same as Discount Tire Co)and they use pretorque sticks that break if a certain torque is exceeded.... and then they torque the wheel in a star pattern then a full circle on top of that....

i now work at Wheel Works and we too use the pretorque sticks and we use the same torque pattern as above... we also have someone else double torque them with a differnt wrench.... our wrenches are recalibrated every month or so..... if we dont use a pretorque stick, it is company policy to be fired on the spot.... we can also be fired on the spot for allowing a vehicle to leave without being double torqued by some one

Originally posted by morrisey0
2 1/2 grunts on the lug wrench!


I'm with you. I think some people go overboard with torque specs. Just use some common sense, and let your arms (or back) be the judge.

Do you guys torque everything that has a torque spec like: oil filter, drain plug, battery terminals and every other little bracket. I usually just torque important things, like drivetrain, suspension, brakes, head bolts, valve covers, or any place with a gasket.

It all depends... You could use it on eveyrthing that has a torque spec.. but that would be silly. On the parts the require the torque to be right I use it..

I don't use the torque wrench when I'm installing oil filters or drain plugs or bracket etc....

I do use it for Bushings (RA bushings etc), bearings, internal engine parts (heads) and even lug nuts...

@ 274,x.. miles on the x.. and still using the original studs on the rear and the studs up front are still the studs that came with the ART rotors (100,x.. miles ago) I think the torque wrench is helping. I've seen too many vehicles that need to have lugs changed becuase they were either over tightened or came loose.. I have yet to own a vehicle that has needed replacement lugs since I started using torque wrenches.. I also have never had a lug nut that I have torqued come loose...


I figure that since I am using a ratchet anyway, it is just as easy to set the torque wrench to the required torque specs and use it instead. The only added time is the time it takes me to luck up the specs. This even includes drain plugs.
