MAC Cold Air Kits | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAC Cold Air Kits


Active Member
July 1, 2002
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City, State
Stamford, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
I saw one of these on Ebay and was just wondering what exactly they do. Any answers would be great!

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These kits allow more air flow to you engine. You can sometimes increase MPG's with these, if you don't have a heavy foot, and you will pick up a few ponies. Definate improvement, and worth the price.

Would you suggest this particular one? If not which should I try? I have a K&N air filter already. And how hard are they to install? Thanks.

They are very easy to install, and with this one, you are getting a high flow filter, and, a the mandrel bent tubing, so I would say go for this one. As a kit, with the tubing, I think it is the only one out for your year....I could be wrong though.

Sweet...I guess I might get it, thanks for the help. Im definitely interested in gettin some more power out of my X. Also, do you maybe know of a link or other place to purchase these for maybe cheaper? Does MAC have a website? Thanks man.

I couldn't find a website for MAC but I really doubt you'll find it cheaper. Like I said before, this is the first I heard of an intake kit for a 2002......better get it soon, before one of the members here steals it.

LOL, you scared me so I bought it now, ha...I figure if I dont like it someone here will take it off my hands or I can just resell it on ebay. Thanks for all the info, cant wait to get it.

LOL...enjoy. You will notice a definate increase in sound too. To get the most out of the intake, a cat-back is very helpful. Your getting all that air in......but you need to get it out as well.

LOL whats a catback? Ha! Is it a neccessity? what exactly does that do? Sorry Im so uneducated about these things, im learning:D


A cat-back is an exhaust system that bolts on after your catalytic convertors. They are much more free flowing also. It is not a necessity, just in order to get more out out of the intake, it helps.

Like 8hp with an intake kit
8hp with an exhaust kit

but together....they will make 20hp. Just use the numbers as an example.

MAC intake

I found it for $ 139.95 + FREE shipping at for an 02 exp sport.

Sorry Kyle :(

Eh, not a huge deal, 30 bucks maybe i would have saved...its cool. Maybe Ill invest in a catback later...thanks bro

Plus I dont have a sport, i have an xlt explorer.

No Problem

I just looked on their site and for a 2002 it was 169.95. Oh well...whatever....have fun...and give us an update.

No problem, Ill be sure to show ya some pics, etc...thanks!

i have a mac intake and it it awesome! makes the 5.0 sound a lot more beefy and added a little low end. maybe some ponies too.

email them...

on their site use the 'contact us' or email button.

I got a part number and a price of $139.95 and then I called them and ordered it. It should arrive in a couple of days.

Good Luck.....

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i really doubt you will feel any gaid going to a mac from a k&n filter.

the k&n is a better set up.
the mac chrome intake tube gets hotter then the stock one.
