MAC Longtube headers for OHV 4.0? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAC Longtube headers for OHV 4.0?


Active Member
January 18, 2009
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City, State
Visalia CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
90 Ranger XLT
I have a MAC muffler on my 4.0 and was wanting to get some headers to match. Do the Mustang flanges match as a direct fit? Same engine. I have been looking and have not found so much as one X with MAC anything except for mine. Check out my vid to see what tone you could get from your 4.0 * A Little use of profanity* This video is right after I got it so I am a little stoked to say the least.:D

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The OHV 4.0 isn't the same as the SOHC 4.0 found in the later Explorer or the 4.0 in the Mustang, either.

The good news is you can get quality shorty headers from JBA. They are a little expensive but apparently worth it if you must have headers.

Other companies like Pacesetter, Hedman, etc. do make 4.0 OHV headers, but they are pretty sorry.

The general concensus seems to be go with the JBA if you want headers, or stick with the stock manifolds and save your money.

I've got Hedman headers on my Ex. They "fit" and work. They were cheap. They paint them with regular black paint that burns off in the first 10 minutes of running. The collectors are stupidly close to the trans, so they're difficult to get on. I've heard others complain that it can ruin the starter from the heat. After two years, my starter still works.

I've got a set of JBA's on my Ranger. They're ceramic coated and still look good after 7 years. Fit is good, no problems at all except that they cost 3 times what the Hedman's cost for the Explorer.

I also tried the Pacesetters on the Ex before the Hedman's. They fit and looked like really good quality for the money. The only problem was that the EGR tube didn't line up, and at the time I wanted to keep the EGR.

In retrospect, I wish I had put a set of JBA's on the Ex also. It's worth the extra money.

If you want to hear mine, follow the link. It's got a little more than just a muffler and headers. This was right after the initial start-up so I'm babying it.

From what I know about vehicles with header(s), no cat converters, and highflow exhausts, it probably is droning at some speed. I don't hear it though inside the truck. It's got some good sound insulation under it.

I'll try to get a new video up sometime soon. I'm still getting it back together after my valve stem seal problems mentioned in my other thread.
