MAF Cleaning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAF Cleaning


February 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Ayden, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT 4X4
I am in the process of cleaning my MAF on my 96 4.0L engine, and I have a few questions for the one's who have previously cleaned theirs.

1. Do you have to take the entire intake air tube off to access the MAF
2. Is the MAF sensor in the bottom or top of the air intake tube
3. How long does it take for the entire process of removing, cleaning and re-installation
4. Is there a step by step process somewhere that I have missed in doing the search on General Explorations for MAF cleaning

Thanks for any help/suggestions before I start trying to clean the MAF

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yeah, i have about 29k on my sohc, and i should probably clean my MAF too. can someone post detailed instructions, or a link to some?...i have never done this before, and i really dont wanna screw it up.

I'll tell you how I did mine and if its wrong I'm sure someoen will let you know.
I assume you have the cylindricle air box
I just removed the air box from one end and the air tube from the other end, removed the elect. connection
and then sprayed elect. cleaner I got at radio Shack on the little wire inside the air box extension. I didnt remove it from the box as it seemed that everything that i could clean was already exposed.
Good luck...

actually, i had the square airbox (now i have a KKM), i have the SOHC, btu everything else should be the same right?...but then again, you never know with ford.

Be careful using the electical cleaner cans. The ones we have at work would probably blow the wire element right off. Picture trying to clean the element inside of a small light bulb. If you hold the can back aways, it would probably work. At 29K miles you shouldn't need to clean your MAF unless you live in a very dusty climate or have over-oiled your K&N. Here in Arizona (very few places more dusty) I have had my K&N FIPK on for about a year and have never had to clean my MAF, even at 76K on the ODO. If you aren't getting any codes or lights and your mileage hasn't changed since new you aren't going to gain anything by cleaning it and may risk damaging it instead. The only time you need to clean it is if you have driveability problems or an error code or light that points to the MAF.

oh, thanks robert. ill leave it all alone then :)

anyone have detailed instructions for how to do it on the 4.0 OHV? I have a 94, but I assume its the same for all year OHVs.. right?
