Mah sexy leg (warning: slighty icky) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mah sexy leg (warning: slighty icky)


Explorer Babe
September 22, 2000
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03 Aviator 93Sport 99 PSD
I have been trapped in the house 99% since Thursday. I don't want to be a princess anymore! Ryan was kind enough to take a pic after surgery. Not quite me posing by my vehicle, but... ;)

I was cut from big toe to bottom of the leg to realign a metatarsal and remove a small bunion. I've needed it for years. I am so slow on the crutches!

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Thanks guys!

Sept 12 is when I will graduate from a cast to a walking boot thing. It won't come fast enough!

I was just saving the dog from being tangled up in the backyard, trying to get up the porch steps and smack, lost my balance and fell on the bad leg's knee. I hope the scuff marks go away by my doctor's appointment tomorrow. Friggin dog! It's all her fault of course.

My wife just had that done in May, they ended up putting in 3 screws in her foot. The before and after x-rays were cool.

She need's to get the other foot done in a few more years, but after having her right one done she said she'll never do that again, she said she'll live with the pain in here left foot..

Best thing you can do is keep that puppy elevated, even when they put you in the walking shoe, my wife still puts hers up...

Good luck and I hope it heals fast..

Originally posted by Campo
My wife just had that done in May, they ended up putting in 3 screws in her foot. The before and after x-rays were cool.

She need's to get the other foot done in a few more years, but after having her right one done she said she'll never do that again, she said she'll live with the pain in here left foot..

Best thing you can do is keep that puppy elevated, even when they put you in the walking shoe, my wife still puts hers up...

Good luck and I hope it heals fast..

That's how I'm feeling--I never want to go through this again. I swear the doctors don't tell you quite everything you'll have to go through or else more people would probably back out! Was your wife non-weight bearing for 6 weeks too then? Most just get a boot after 2 weeks or so, but I am special. :rolleyes:

I have one screw at the bottom. I only slept for 10 minutes during the surgery and then was just numb and spacey, but I could tell when he was chiseling stuff and when he was turning the screw *shudder*.

I thought I would be back at work this Wednesday but you're right, elevating it is all that can save me. Today is the first decent day. Those toes can sure get fat. They had IV Marcaine (I think) hooked in for 2 days and the numbness bothered me, like my leg was so asleep it was going to fall off. I had my girls wiggle my toes just so I knew everything was okay.

Good to hear you got through the operation OK:D

What are the blue tubes for?

Originally posted by Maranda
Was your wife non-weight bearing for 6 weeks too then? Most just get a boot after 2 weeks or so, but I am special. :rolleyes:

It took my wife 4 week's before she could wear that ugly shoe/boot thingy...

I can't beleive you let your kids get any where near your foot, If me or one of my kids got within 10ft we got the look of

Originally posted by Crankcase
Good to hear you got through the operation OK:D

What are the blue tubes for?

They hook up to a pump inside a cooler full of ice and water that circulates up into a pad on top of my foot, then back out through the other tube. It beats ice packs hands down. And my insurance covered it. :cool: The clear line is the IV that kept me numb and allowed me to let the kids touch the toes. We cut off the bag of medicine, but the IV is still in. I can't wait to get it out-- I was scratching inside the bandages and accidentally hit/pulled on it, yeow!

I think I got over my fear of hurting the toes after falling today. :rolleyes: Yesterday I had acupuncture and every time he was even near that area, I was ready to kick with the good leg. But I have to say, I think it helped because I am doing about 50% better today.

hope your recovery is quick. i broke my middle 3 metatarcels a few years back. after gettin a screw put in, everyone keeps asking me if i can feel the screw.. well i cant. lol. i was walking with the cast still on after about a month, and after awhile the bottom of the cast cracked. lol.
looking at my skinny leg compared to the other normal leg is quite fascinating. cool how your leg can shrink like that and go back to normal in a few days.

anyways.. feel better.

gosh Maranda I didnt even know you were having surgery. Shows how much I pay attention.

Noo... I didn't tell too many people. Denial I guess. LOL I wanted it over before we changed insurances so it all happened within 3 weeks.

Ryan and Allison got nauseous and dizzy and had to go behind the curtain when I was in recovery. I'm sure you're not surprised. LOL They don't like hospitals very much!

I didn't even see the IV line before you mentioned it...Yuck!


  • smilie eww.gif
    smilie eww.gif
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Oh come on! My surgury thread had gorry pics! I need gore! Just keep poppin them pills and relaxin as much as possible! I mighta been able to walk but being one handed back earlier this summer sucked, so I know what it's like to be a gimp ;)


Hope you are better soon :)

I know I know, not enough gore. I should have asked them to take pics in the OR, but that may have killed my husband if he happened to look at them. I go to the doc for a bandage change in a bit and am not really sure if I want to know what is under there. LOL

I tried the pill popping (Demerol) but that only works on me for about 1.5 days and then I get sick, no matter what they put me on. It makes to too stupid anyway. I tried to give a guy from the Ford dealer directions to my house and told him to take a street that's on the other side of town (they both begin with "P"). LOL So it's good old Tylenol now!

I definitely have been humbled. I always knew it was hard for people in crutches or wheelchairs, etc, to get around, but like they say you don't really know until it happens to you.
