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Main rear blend door vs secondary blend door?


November 7, 2012
City, State
Bay City Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer xlt
Hello explorers if we are what we drive (haha).
I have a question I recenty purchased two rear secondary blend door accuarators which go to the rear AC unit or whatever its called (its in the rear on the driverside. Theres two blend door accurators the one towards the front is the main one and behind it is the secondary (towards the rear of the vehicle) after mix up on ordering parts at store getting a resistor mixed up somehow I wound up with two secondary accuators which I didnt realize that I needed a main accuator also untill after I put my Explorer together. So i was wondering if any one has ever just changed out the shafts. I noticed the main
accuator has a cross shaped shaft vs the secondary one has a more square with domed side and is a little smaller in diameter but wonder if it will interchange so that I can just do that instead of ordering another one please I will accept all criticism and remarks as to what I shoud do and if anybody else has been in this little delima !http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=373860

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According to my '02 shop manuals, they have the same part number. That may have changed on the '04.

The actuators are:

Temperature Blend Door Actuator - Changes the temperature

Air Distribution Door Actuator - Changes airflow from floor to ceiling

I haven't tackled this project yet, although I need to change my Temp Actuator, so I can't say for sure if they are the same part or not.

Do the two actuators have the same part number and connectors, etc.? If so, then I would say that changing the shaft would work.

Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in soon.

Here are a couple threads to check out related to changing the rear actuators:



Good luck with the fix. :biggthump

Please keep us posted as feedback helps others reading this post looking for a fix to the same or similar issue!

OK thanks i dont know for sure but according to parts store they are different but i believe the main actuator in front of it is the same as the one in front underthe dash.As far as changing these out its no problem after you get the trim panels off its two 10 mm bolts and one 13 nut then just gently pull the whole unit away from quarterpanel just enough to get to the three screws holding either accuator on. I would just advise you to no pull it away no more than neccessary sInce there are AC lInes the conservative way to go is always best when dealing with lines so that Theres minimal movement thanks for the info and reply

Like I said, according to my '02 shop manuals, they have the same part number. I cannot say for sure if this will work for the '04.

Good luck with the fix and be sure to keep us posted. :thumbsup:

ok so i took my explorer apart again and on the 2004 ex atleast mine the distribution accuator is different than the one that closest to the hatch.Its the one with the cross shaped shaft anyways after i took the old one off decited to take my chances and see if part store had one which they had one tried it and it was bad so had to take it back and wouldnt you know it was the only one they had just my luck few days earlier i replaced the rear one well guess what it started clicking again I remember somewhere on a post about buying oem so i know now im ordering from factory.I usually have to learn by trial and error but im trying to break myself from this bad habbit by listening to experienced owners like yourself so thanks again!!

Sorry about your luck. Be sure to keep us posted on how you make out.

ok turns out the reason why the new rear distribution accuator didnt work was because they sold me the one that goes under the dash.Looks exactly the same as the rear and plugs in also the difference is in the way its wired apparently.Just for your information I think this might help someone if you get accuators mixed up maybe.I decited to go ahead and get the one from the dealer after taking one apart in comparison the oem seems to be made better even tho the little gear strips out after some time im hoping maybe they improved the gear on the new ones so there you go and just to reinforce what someone said in another post before installing make sure the blend knob is on cold and the vehicle starts up or key is on and you plug the accuator in so that it will adjust to where it needs to then it fill fit right in place (give or take an 1/8 an inch thankyou.

I forgot to follow up on rather they could interchange but actually the aftermarket accuator has different size gears in it so theres no way they will interchange unless they are both the same (oemvsoem)I should have known that already haha.
