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Man shot for obeying cops orders (Video evidence)

Vilgilate killings in jails isn't as nearly as common as some people believe. It is very unlikely that he wouldn't survive his imprisonment.

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Well, well, well. Officer Webb has been charged and COULD face up to 18 1/2 years in prison. I seriously doubt he will though.

And to EVERYONE who said "he was saying get up", here's a quote straight from the article

Prosecutors, aided by the FBI and a company that analyzes tapes, reviewed the video repeatedly, Ramos said.

"Not once did anybody in the DA's office hear Deputy Webb say, 'Don't get up,'" he said. "We all heard, 'Get up.'"

If I had to guess

He will get probation and an early retirement. And that will probbly be it.

Did the victem survive ??

Yea, if you read at the bottom of the article he's recovering and still undecided whether to sue. He would rightfully deserve it IMO.

Webb has been on paid administrative leave since the shooting

The driver

Escobedo was charged with felony attempting to evade a peace officer while driving recklessly and misdemeanor driving under the influence. He was to surrender Wednesday and faces up to 3 1/2 years in prison if convicted

Who wants to bet the driver serves more time than the cop (on paid leave) who shot the vet :fire:

Pdwight said:
Who wants to bet the driver serves more time than the cop (on paid leave) who shot the vet :fire:

I believe we could start a bet pool on it and make some cash, because it's about a 90% chance that it will happen just like that.

Im in for Ten

Ten Bucks says it will play out just like that.

Dwight P

I think this is some serious BS. how come an officers name CAN'T be released after he plugs someone.....if I allegedly shot someone, my name would be in the paper. as far as I am concerned, he should be sent to federal prison, and die by the firing line, since he's so willing to kill our soldier who have been fighting for his rights and mine, even if he was a MP.

That cop is no better than a mugger who says I won't shoot you if you give me your money, etc. and shoots you anyway. IMO this kind of "sandbagging" should be considered pre-meditated.

(I don't always agree with our government, but I ALWAYS support the military when acting for the government, the poor *******s are following orders, good or bad)

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. - Prosecutors listened to the videotape over and over, enhanced it and played it again. Each time, they said, they heard a sheriff's deputy order an unarmed man to get up from the ground, then shoot him when he did.


"In his mind, he was doing what he needed to do. In our legal analysis, that was unreasonable," District Attorney Michael A. Ramos said Tuesday in announcing attempted voluntary manslaughter charges against Deputy Ivory J. Webb.

Webb, 45, is the first law enforcement official in San Bernardino County to be charged in an on-duty shooting, Ramos said. Webb was expected to surrender at an arraignment Wednesday. If convicted, he could face up to 18 1/2 years in prison.

The Jan. 29 shooting was videotaped by a bystander and broadcast on national television.

It followed a brief high speed chase in which a Corvette carrying Elio Carrion, a senior airman who recently returned from Iraq, crashed in Chino, which is about 45 miles east of Los Angeles.

The video shows Carrion, 21, lying on the ground outside the car as Webb points a gun at him. After an apparent order to "get up," Carrion begins to rise and is shot in the chest, shoulder and left thigh.

Prosecutors, aided by the FBI and a company that analyzes tapes, reviewed the video repeatedly, Ramos said.

"Not once did anybody in the DA's office hear Deputy Webb say, `Don't get up,'" he said. "We all heard, `Get up.'"

The case against Webb includes allegations of infliction of great bodily injury and use of a firearm, which can result in extra prison time.

The deputy, who has spent about 10 years with the department, has been on paid administrative leave since the shooting. A sheriff's internal investigation was continuing, along with an FBI inquiry.

The San Bernardino County Safety Employees Benefit Association, which represents Webb as a deputy, would not identify his attorney and refused further comment.

Carrion's attorney, Luis Carrillo, said he was pleased a felony was filed but that it should have been attempted murder. He declined to say whether Carrion will sue.

Prosecutors also charged the Corvette's driver, Luis Escobedo, with felony attempting to evade a peace officer while driving recklessly and misdemeanor driving under the influence. He also was to surrender Wednesday and faces up to 3 1/2 years in prison if convicted.

well they did release the cops name. i think hes gonna like thunderdick in prison.


[QUOTE='97 V8]

The deputy, who has spent about 10 years with the department, has been on paid administrative leave since the shooting. A sheriff's internal investigation was continuing, along with an FBI inquiry.


I just don't see how they get away with doing that, I am a union state government employee. If I F up, and get suspended, they surely are not going to pay me! :rolleyes:

BeauJ said:
Here we go:

Amateur cameraman arrested on felony warrant

05:55 PM PST on Friday, February 3, 2006

By MICHELLE DeARMOND and JOHN BERRY / The Press-Enterprise

POMONA - The amateur cameraman who recorded an apparent police shooting of an airman was arrested today on an outstanding warrant from Florida, officials said.

Jose Luis Valdes, 38, was arrested by Pomona police Friday morning at the immigration office located in that city, where he was attempting to renew his immigration status, said Lt. Rick Mackey with the Pomona Police Department. Federal officials called local police because Valdes had a felony no-bail arrest warrant from Florida for aggravated assault with a firearm.

Additional details on the warrant were not available.

The outstanding warrant was discovered during a routine background check as part of Valdes' attempt to renew his green card, which allows the Cuban immigrant to be in the United States as a legal resident, officials said.

Valdes' attorney, Luis Carrillo, disagreed with authorities, saying Valdes was at the office trying to obtain a replacement green card, but a federal immigration spokesman said the distinction was irrelevant. Either act would have required the same lengthy background check and there was no connection between Valdes' arrest and his highly publicized videotaping of an Air Force security officer.

"There's no correlation at all. The process that he is in would have started before any videotaping incident," said Bill Strassberger with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in Washington, D.C. "Processing for these cards takes a bit of time."

Valdes videotaped the airman Sunday night in Chino after the car the airman was in crashed. The tape shows a San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy apparently shooting the airman, Elio Carrion, as he attempts to stand up on the deputy's command.

It says there is no relation to the incident. Yea, I'm gonna raise the flag on that one

background check is good but the only thing that pissed me is that when i tried to run mine (ssn, speeding ticket, college and even college records showed up) hope anyone has that same access would use it in legal way. look that's where i got one.
