Manual tranny in 96 and newer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Manual tranny in 96 and newer?


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Was a manual tranny an option in the 96-99 body styles? I am pretty sure it wasn't an option with the V-8, but I don't know about the 6. I have never seen one, but if they were offered at all, I am sure it would have been rare.
(I am looking for a 4-door) 2-door sticks seem easy to find in the old body style.

Also, when did ford change the 4.0 pushrod to the 4.0 OHC in the Explorers, was it with the newer body style?

Looking for a new truck, want to see if my ideal truck even exists.

96+ body style, 5-speed V-6. (Ideally it would already have a solid front axle, but that isn't going to happen.)


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I don't actually know anything about it, but in the thread Dead Link Removed, people were talking about having them in all years, so it must be possible to get a manual in a '96+

Originally posted by 98ltd
Was a manual tranny an option in the 96-99 body styles? I am pretty sure it wasn't an option with the V-8, but I don't know about the 6. I have never seen one, but if they were offered at all, I am sure it would have been rare.
(I am looking for a 4-door) 2-door sticks seem easy to find in the old body style.

Also, when did ford change the 4.0 pushrod to the 4.0 OHC in the Explorers, was it with the newer body style?

Looking for a new truck, want to see if my ideal truck even exists.

96+ body style, 5-speed V-6. (Ideally it would already have a solid front axle, but that isn't going to happen.)

The SOHC (210 Horse, 240 lbs./ft torque) was introduced in 1996 with the 2nd Generation body style. The OHV V-6 (160 HP, 190 lbs./ft?) continued until 2002 when they nixed it and the two engines left now are the SOHC and the Modular 4.6 Litre V-8.

A manual transmission was only offered with the OHV V-6 engine. The SOHC is impossible to get with a manual until 2002, so if you see a manual Explorer with the 2nd Gen body style, it WILL have the OHV V-6. I do think they make 4-door 5-speeds, but they are very rare.

As for the Solid front-axle versus the IFS on the newer Explorers...give the IFS credit. It is a VERY tough setup on the front, and in my experience I actually prefer the IFS setup simply because it offers more travel when setup correctly, and it's a heck of a lot more comfortable :) Good luck with the X search!

1) SOHC V6 first offered on the '97 model year, not '96.

2) OHV V6 - 160 HP, 225 ft/lbs. of torque, available through '00.

3) 2001 model year eliminated the OHV from Ranger and Explorer lineup, added SOHC to Ranger and added a manual transmission to the SOHC for the first time.


I care to differ robert, the 4.0L OHV is still available in 2001 and up models, I worked on a OHV 2002 Explorer yesterday. It has a revised stile upper intake that is an extreme pain to remove, (squirrel chewed some wires on top of the motor).:eek: And for above 96 - 99 models were available with manual trans, however definitely not with the V-8 engine. The V-8 comes with a 4R70W trans.

I'm not sure how you worked on an OHV then since when I went to Ford's website to "build my own" '02 Sport, the only engine available was the 4.0L SOHC. The '02 4-doors had the choice of the 4.0L SOHC and 4.6L SOHC V8, but not the OHV. I also have the a copy of the '01 Ranger brochure which only lists the I4, 3.0L V6 and 4.0L SOHC as available. I am pretty certain that Ford eliminated the OHV from the Explorer the same year they eliminated it from the Ranger (2001). I do know the SOHC Ranger and Explorer were available with the manual transmission starting in '01. The whole reason For kept the OHV around as long as they did was because the manual transmission wasn't strong enough for the SOHC. Once Ford got the transmission for the SOHC released they didn't have any need for the OHV. Even going to Ford's web-site now shows only the SOHC available for the '03 Explorer Sport. Here are the engine choices from my '01 Ranger brochure:


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96+ Manual

Do any of you guys know what kind of manual trams is offered in the 96 with the V6?
