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Mileage on Delivery?


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May 11, 2012
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Did anyone have a high mileage when you got your car? I was expecting maybe 5 or 6... it ended up being 60. Dealer said it came from the factory that way. I'm still waiting to hear from Ford on if they did any kind of testing/QA at the factory that would explain it..or if somehow it got these 60 during transport. We picked it up the day it arrived at the dealer (I was following status with Ford) so I don't think the dealer had much time to joy ride

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I will let you know what mine is right off the truck. ETA was today, but I have not seen it yet. Our Ford report says "week of"... so we will see.

I do know that the QA will drive a set number/range of vehicles for Q/A. Two of my new vehicles had between 50-60 miles on them when received. They did compensate me on the paperwork though...

They reduced a per-mile charge (nominal, nothing earth shattering) and the mileage was reflected to extend the warranty by the upon-delivery mileage, etc...

I received confirmation today that the car was quality tested by Ford, which explains the mileage. I have no idea why the dealer threw out the paper saying that. I have to go back to my dealer now and try to get them to document so I will have the additional 60 miles on my warranty (they didn't give me anything at purchase that documented the odometer)

It's actually a good idea- you never know when those 60 miles could come in handy... Weird stuff happens! :)

I received confirmation today that the car was quality tested by Ford, which explains the mileage...
I’m glad you got the confirmation, phareous; thanks for keeping us in the loop.

I will let you know what mine is right off the truck. ETA was today, but I have not seen it yet. Our Ford report says "week of"... so we will see.
I saw that it’s still in transit, RonJrSVCMGR; I’m sure you can’t wait to get your new wheels. :)

It's actually a good idea- you never know when those 60 miles could come in handy... Weird stuff happens! :)
You’re right, Joe Dirt; beware of Murphy’s law! :thumbsup:


Mine has 26.4km or 16.4 miles. They do roadtest them (and I expect it to be). Plus it moves to the rail, the carrier, etc. It has to have SOME miles on it.

Mine has 26.4km or 16.4 miles. They do roadtest them (and I expect it to be). Plus it moves to the rail, the carrier, etc. It has to have SOME miles on it.

Oh I expect it to have miles but 60 seemed a bit high...apparently Ford did a road test but I don't have anymore info. Dealer threw out any sticker or paper ford had left in the car. When I got my honda in 2003 it had 10 miles on it. hopefully ford wasn't too rough on it during the test and it is good to know it was tested out

Ours had 5.1 miles on it when we picked it up. The lowest we have ever had on a car :)

I can't find a thread on this subject.

I finally received my Sport. It was a dealer transfer and arrived with 83 km's on the odometer. I found this high and am assuming it was test driven by the dealer's sales reps.

Could others please indicate their mileage on delivery? Just curious. It is a lease, so not too concerned. However, if it was a purchase, I don't think I would have accepted it.



Same here - 5 miles and right off the truck.

8 miles on my 2013 Limited.

I test drove one a few weeks ago it had 32 miles. Also if it was a dealer transfer it may have been driven between dealers. Do you know if the dealer was in driving distance? They do it here in Calif all the time.

I test drove one a few weeks ago it had 32 miles. Also if it was a dealer transfer it may have been driven between dealers. Do you know if the dealer was in driving distance? They do it here in Calif all the time.

It came on a car hauler. 600 miles away.

It is possible that it was test driven by someone before being assigned to you. My 2011 had 12 kms on it and the MKT which was a showroom vehicle had 55 kms on it when I signed the lease. I don't recall how many were on it before I took it on a test drive but I believe it had 32 kms on it when I brought it back. I wanted them to check for tire balance so that accounted for the rest. I believe it was just 'flat spotted' from sitting in the showroom.
Any time a vehicle is chosen to be tested after it leaves the factory, they put a sticker on it saying so to account for the mileage.


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Put a deposit on my 14 ex sport yesterday and it had 72 miles on it. Also it was a dealer transfer.

Picking it up tomorrow morning. After they take it to top it off and what not I'm sure it'll have a little more on it.
