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Miss under load

its running GREAT right now.

Other than the light being on im inclined to not fix what aint broke


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Has anyone ever tried epoxy-ing a socket to the plug?

I suppose you could. Would be a real pain in ass to get the plug back out. Have another that’s rounded off?

ya, I have to get it out because its still throwing the engine light. Motor is running great though

Is it already stripped? Have you tried a different brand socket?

No, its not stripped yet but it's so rusted like the last one im just assuming its going to be the same deal.

Thats why I was wondering if i should try to epoxy this one before hand

I could give how I got mine out, but be warned it's not a proper fix but beats pulling the head in what was to me a worn 258K mile at the time motor. I'm not liable if it doesn't work.

I just went to Lowes, got a set of bolt grips that had a 5/8 in there, broke the top of the plug off down flush with the hex (vice grips are your friend here) and took the bolt grip, extension, and ratchet and brought it out.

i'll be buying that set today

They forgot to send you one?

I'll tell you a secret...ASE Certs can also be found inside every box of....


That where I got mine!

I got mine when I bought a ford
