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mixing different wattage subs


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2004
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City, State
San Jose, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 EB 5.0
well i wanted to add more subs to stereo system... right now i got 2 subs that are 1000watts peak each. i was thinking of adding 2 more subs that are 500watts peak each, then if i could, possibly add 2 more subs that are i think 250 watts each. all the subs will be 12's and they are taking up room in my room so i want to either use them or sell them, or even use them then sell them.

my amp is the Visonik V900hc and its rated at 1000watts rms x 2

would there be a problem with the subs since they all require different ammounts of power?

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thatll sound like ass....lol, keep to the same brand,model subs....

I would never mix anything. Same exact model and brand, and you're guarenteed absolute brilliant results. Mixing your frequencies is just asking for trouble. Have to say, I sure as hell don't have the time to fine tune that stuff. ;)

well the subs i got in there right now hit some frequencies hella good, and the other subs i was using hit the frequencies that these dont hit very hard hard. so i was thinking if i used both brands of subs i would hit all the frequencies hard. i still want to try it out... maybe itll be a good mix match with the subs.

i remember using a 12 and a 10, one was a 12" Hollywood and the other was a 10" Diamond Mac Daddy. it sounded good even with the cheap amp i had, the Mac Daddy hit the frequencies above 65 good but anything below sounded like crap, and the other sub hit the lower frequencies.

i could tune it, just not fine tune it because i dont have the equipment to do it.

im the only person in my family that trys different stuff with my stereo because i got soo much audio equipment available to me because i bought a crap load and have nothing to do with it. and also someone on another forum dissed my under $200 Bump... it was about $150 for 2 12's in a box, with an amp; and he had spent the same on 1 10" a box and an amp. he hella hated on me, he said "this isnt the cheapest piece of **** stereo, its good bump for under $200 " so i still posted my results and havent heard from him since. i got props for stealling his post and making him shut up.

u can do it..but itl take alot of figuring and ud have to get to know external x-overs really well..aswell as probably time delay..IMHO not worth the time just buy some 15s =)

yeah i want my S15's... or even some Brahmas. They will come sooner or later, the 12's i got right now are coo (i was toying with it a little today), especially with the bass boost all the way down, they seem to be hitting the frequencies more. i think i should put my sub crossover back in to add a little more umph to the subs all around frequencies.

probably just going to add 2 more of the same subs since i got another pair lying around. the only problem im going to have is trying to figure out how to wire the subs so that i dont blow my amp. im thinking wiring the subs in parallel and connecting the terminals in serries... dont know what impedance i would get, but i know its not less than 1. what would it be?(subs are dual 4ohm)

I got two audiobahn tens, 600 watts rms and a twelve, 1500 watts rms all running off one 1600 watt amp. I took a big gamble but sounds great. Like you were sayin, the different subs hit different freq's so you get a variety.

well i added 2 more subs (500w each) and got a great result... i got cleaner bass, and for some reason the power seemed to increase too. so now my amp is running 1.333 ohms per channel. on some songs i have to turn the bass boost all the way down. and i could say it solved my problem of my battery dropping 7 volts with the hard hits because i no longer need to put the bass boost as high.

Saleen_SR71 said:
yeah i want my S15's... or even some Brahmas. They will come sooner or later, the 12's i got right now are coo (i was toying with it a little today), especially with the bass boost all the way down, they seem to be hitting the frequencies more. i think i should put my sub crossover back in to add a little more umph to the subs all around frequencies.

probably just going to add 2 more of the same subs since i got another pair lying around. the only problem im going to have is trying to figure out how to wire the subs so that i dont blow my amp. im thinking wiring the subs in parallel and connecting the terminals in serries... dont know what impedance i would get, but i know its not less than 1. what would it be?(subs are dual 4ohm)
connectin them parallel will give you 1 ohm mono. or bridged. paralel and series would be 2 ohm each speaker, or channel.

IMO mixing subs is fine as long as they are on seperate amps. I am running 1 JL 12w3 and two JL 12w0's. the 0's are on one amp and the 3 has its own.

You'll eventually blow those lower wattage subs if they are all on the same amp.

JL 3x12 Xplorer said:
IMO mixing subs is fine as long as they are on seperate amps. I am running 1 JL 12w3 and two JL 12w0's. the 0's are on one amp and the 3 has its own.

You'll eventually blow those lower wattage subs if they are all on the same amp.

your probably right, but i could get the lower wattage subs for 33 bucks each, saves me 37 bucks from buying them from a stereo shop. but i aint trippen about them.

Saleen_SR71 said:
your probably right, but i could get the lower wattage subs for 33 bucks each, saves me 37 bucks from buying them from a stereo shop. but i aint trippen about them.
If you rrun them serires you wont blow them.

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