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Photos Moab 2007 Photos & Trip Report

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Leebo I have a bunch of video feel free to use what I have already posted.

Alot of it is just trucks driving on slick rock :)

410, you really selling your beams?

Finally, I've got my pics organized...they are in 2 groups, wheelin' and scenic.
Here's the wheelin link:
Here's the scenic link:

And here's a few teasers...Jefe in the tub

Heading home through Monument Valley:

410 hangin' a tire in the Golden Crack:

Rainstorm in the distance taken from the Golden spike trail:

Mexican Hat rock, 20 miles north of Monument Valley:

Msupertek on the Launching Pad:

Hokie man I always need help :) Right now I just need $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

SAS, ARB, gears, brakes, wheels, coilovers, etc etc etc long arm kit = expensive Might be a while.
I may have to patch the BII back together just to get me by until I can collect all the parts.

FC is a little over an hour from me, but there are some great lakes and trails between here and there :)

Msupertek on the Launching Pad:

What is that stuff that leaked all over the launching pad? Did Jamie's diff start spewing again?

Whew. I just got home very late last night. It took awhile limping 2,000 miles home with a radiator that needed refilling about every 75~100 miles and my alignment totally screwed up along with a toasted inner tie rod.

What a great time and a pleasure to see everyone :) I'll post later this weekend when I get some sleep and a few photos uploaded. I had a great time again but that drive out there sure takes it out of me and it takes at least a day or two to recuperate. I burned 279 gallons of fuel this trip and probably paid an average of about $3.35/gal so my travel budget is busted for awhile.

I appreciate the kind words about leading the Klondike Bluffs trail Friday as a "tour guide". I know a lot of you were here for the first time so I tried as best I could to give ya'll a full experience :) Saturday was another matter, LOL. We took off to run Flat Iron Mesa and that trail is impossible to stay on; I got us lost about a dozen times even after I started programming in GPS waypoints :rolleyes: The one good thing about that little adventure is that it got me initiated by Tom and Raplh into the FAKRWEE tribe and I now have a new name: "Chief GPS'um and Still Lost". LOL

I'll return this weekend and update with more info and some photos. Thanks to all for another great adventure and Rick I'm really sorry you couldn't make it this year :(

The one good thing about that little adventure is that it got me initiated by Tom and Raplh into the FAKRWEE tribe and I now have a new name: "Chief GPS'um and Still Lost".
LOL We didn't have too much trouble running it Sunday, but that was probably because we were following the fresh tracks that you guys made. :D

Glad to see you got home safely. :thumbsup:

What is that stuff that leaked all over the launching pad? Did Jamie's diff start spewing again?
Yes. Once he got stuck in his predicament without the 4th wheel pulling, the ARB compressor cycled on and never turned off, and you could hear the pressure bubbling inside the diffs and blowing out diff fluid.

yup rear arb is leaking at one of the seals, I suspect a possible bent axle shaft on the pass side........put it on the list!

The one good thing about that little adventure is that it got me initiated by Tom and Raplh into the FAKRWEE tribe and I now have a new name: "Chief GPS'um and Still Lost". LOL



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That's just farkin funny right there :D

Can I nominate Msupertek, Lt, Matt & Jimmy for the Fakrwee tribe since none of them could figure out how to get us out of Steelbender until midnight? ;) :D

Can I nominate Msupertek, Lt, Matt & Jimmy for the Fakrwee tribe since none of them could figure out how to get us out of Steelbender until midnight? ;) :D

Now that's just wrong! That was supposed to be a secret! Lol! ;-)


Heeheehee... woops :)

I had a great time, regardless... you guys are a riot to wheel with! And besides, I got to test out my cell phone's night vision mode on Jimmy ;)


That is an amazing picture. :cool:

Thanks, the drive from Mexican hat Utah through Monument Valley AZ is pretty awesome.

Gerald, that sucks about your radiator:thumbdwn: Hopefully you managed to squeeze some fun out of the trip:D

Spas, that's a cool feature your phone has. Mine doesn't even take good pics in broad daylight:rolleyes:

Maybe it's a she lizard

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:biggthump The whole trip went by like a blur. (No I wasn't drinking):D Saw a lot of old friends and met some new ones. On friday my cousin Ralph and I decided to rent a jeep instead taking my Suzuki 4X4 XL-7 on the trail. Best decision we made all week.

On Friday we did Klondike Bluff and Arches. I was a little aprehensive about going tippy after my "Incident", but everything went well. Until Mounteneer green who was in front of us decided to get tippy going down hill. My heart stopped as he started to go over, I jumped out of the jeep and got up on the runnung board to get him down. The look on his and his wife's face was pure panic. I talked him into turning into the tip instead of away and all ended well.

Saturday we did Iron Flat Mesa which was great, just enough obstacles to grab you're attention and more than enough scenery to last a life time. Had a couple of moderate scares but nothing dangerous. Met up with some Russian Asshmoles:rolleyes: who were driving a decked out rig. I'll try and post a picture.

Sunday we did Poison Spider Trail which was the most technical and the most fun. Josh entertained us by taking the hardest and craziest lines. He had a great spotter, Dot, his mom. They were a pleasure to watch as they went up and down the hardest lines.:notworthy Made us feel like fools being beat by a mom and her young son:eek:

Geralds dog Durango went in front of Gerald spotting him and did a good job, now if we can only teach the dog how to read the GPS we might have a back up trail boss when our's breaks down.:crazy:

My radioman the whole trip was Ivan who kept us informed of what was happening up front all the time. Ivan you were worth 2 frozen snickers not just one, I owe you one buddy.

And Ashlix, I not only wore my boots but even had a walking stick.:D

Anyway just another trip in off roading paradise.:chug:


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