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Moab pics

Second set of pictures is up on Dead Link Removed
I set up another site so the first ones are still up on Dead Link Removed
Rick, the trip report looks great. People are going to bang down your door to join on the next trip.

'99 Sport 4wd SOHC

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That's a good point Peter. I want to register right now for the nest trip. Dead Link Removed

My cat's breath smells like cat food.
-Ralph Wiggum

It looks like we've got some very impressive pics from this trip. To everyone that posted pictures, nicely done IMHO. Peter, that Slot Canyon is quite stunning to say the least.

I think that the next time I visit Moab, I'm going to stay for at least a week. There's so much to take in, both in scenery and in challenging trails. I tried to do a little bit of everything, but there's so much more there.

99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

Anybody whose interested, I reposted my pictures from Moab. The resolution of the original postings was terrible.
I guess I better apologize how bad some of your trucks looked.
If you're interested to have another look, here are the links again:

'99 Sport 4wd SOHC

Peter, it seems that the original images on your pages were sized wrong. They looked choppy when looking at the webpage, but when I viewed each image individually by right clicking on the picture and hitting "View Image", they expanded to the correct size.

No more pics? I got addicted to them!

I want more, I want more, I want more ...

Have fun Dead Link Removed and tread lightly

Donkey Boy,
Did you see the ones on ecircle?

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Does anyone have any good Moab video? I would like to gather footage together for the next "Serious Explorations" video tape.

Also, does anyone have any good shots of my truck in Moab? I would like to get copies if you have good stuff.

Rick Horwitz, AB7FH
Ricks Explorer

hey Brett - looks good, speaking of Moab videos/pictures does anyone have any more pictures/videotape of mine they wouldn't mind sending to me? I know gofast who got video of me sliding off the trail is working on making me a duplicate, but I know there was at least 5-10 people that were taking pictures of my Explorer after it slid off the trail and so far I've only seen two :).


I got double prints of everything. Let me know if you want to swing by and pick them up. Also, if anyone else wants any prints, let me know.
