motorcraft or mobil 1? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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motorcraft or mobil 1?


Active Member
December 7, 2009
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City, State
Campton, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC
ice been looking into different oils lately and im thinking about using motorcraft oil. on my last car i used mobil 1 and thats what i put into my explorer when i first got it. ive only changed the oil once in it so far and i used mobil 1 just because thats what i was used to using. but my question is, should i use motorcraft because its made by ford for fords? or is there no difference between them? and what type of oil do you guys use? thanks and merry christmas!

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All major brand oils are good. That being said I prefer Mobil 1 EP. Motorcraft is a very good oil and at a reasonable price point. I would not hesitate to use it. I also use Mobil 1 oil filters.

Mobil1 is fine, i use pennzoil, mobil, whatever as long as its a well known brand. I wouldn't waste my time going to the stealership to grab oil for an oil change. I do run motorcraft in my differentials though.
You have a 98 XLT 4.0 SOHC with AWD?? You sure about that? Pretty sure the AWD was only offered with the V8 as the oilpan and transmission get in the way of the AWD system on the 6 cylinders. Do you have a selector switch on the Radio bezel?

yeah. the selector switch has auto, 4x4high, and 4x4lo. im pretty sure its awd. drives like one. said it when i bought it. and i've seen the selector switches on rwd explorers an such and it has 2wd, 4x4h, and 4x4lo.

I'm not sure what you're looking for. In all the vehicles that I've owned that required Synths, I ran Mobil 1 and never had any issues

I'm not sure what you're looking for. The vehicles that I've owned that required Synths, I ran Moblie 1 in and never had a single issue.
well, im just curious if there is a difference between using motorcraft or mobil 1 in a ford.

yeah. the selector switch has auto, 4x4high, and 4x4lo. im pretty sure its awd. drives like one. said it when i bought it. and i've seen the selector switches on rwd explorers an such and it has 2wd, 4x4h, and 4x4lo.

Its not AWD. You have Automatic 4wd. The AWD used in V8 explorers only, has no switches on the dash, has no low range and is full time. 2 very different setups and they get confused by Explorer owners all of the time on here.

whats the difference between awd and auto 4wd?

well, im just curious if there is a difference between using motorcraft or mobil 1 in a ford.
I'm curious as to why you want to run Synths???

synthetic oil?

whats the difference between awd and auto 4wd?

The AWD uses a viscous coupling in the transfer case and a planetary gearset to provide a full time 40front/60rear torque split. No low range. No electronics.

Auto 4wd is more similar to a traditional part time transfer case with 4hi and 4lo. It also has the Auto 4wd. In this mode rear wheel slip is sensed through the speed sensors and an electronic clutch engages the front wheels. If there is no rear wheel slippage then its running in 2wd.

Yes, the only Mobil 1 that I've ever used was a Synth.
i don't think were on the same page here. i am talking about the differences between motorcraft synthetic and mobil 1 synthetic. what are you talking about?

The AWD uses a viscous coupling in the transfer case and a planetary gearset to provide a full time 40front/60rear torque split. No low range. No electronics.

Auto 4wd is more similar to a traditional part time transfer case with 4hi and 4lo. It also has the Auto 4wd. In this mode rear wheel slip is sensed through the speed sensors and an electronic clutch engages the front wheels. If there is no rear wheel slippage then its running in 2wd.
alright. it makes no sense why the dealer was selling it as an AWD then. kinda pissed at them because i feel stupid. thank you though.

i don't think were on the same page here. i am talking about the differences between motorcraft synthetic and mobil 1 synthetic. what are you talking about?
I said I was curious as to why you want to run synths. Does your vehicle require it? If so, then as I have stated, my experience with Mobile 1 has been 100% positive.

i use synth because of better protection. i have mobil 1 in my explorer right now. like i said, im just curious as to what the differences between them are.

i use synth because of better protection. i have mobil 1 in my explorer right now. like i said, im just curious as to what the differences between them are.
In your application, I would say none.
