Motorcraft Spark Plugs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Motorcraft Spark Plugs


Explorer Addict
February 5, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bemidji, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4x4 Sport 88k
I was once an elite member, and this is more public service than trying to make a profit, I'm actually losing money on this, but they need to go to a good home:

I have 15 Motorcraft sparkplugs, new, in box, AWSF42PP. This is the original double platinum plug, Motorcraft brand, not Autolite. I hoarded these 10 years ago, and it has become clear my Exp will go due to rust before it needs new plugs. So, here you go. You cannot buy these new anywhere. I bought the last ones RockAuto had, and scoured Ebay for 6 months to get this many. If you are interested, message me. I'm going to look at the first 5 people that want them , and if any of them want all 15, they get first shot. I'm using ebay to do the actual transaction, so we can coordinate a day/time.
