How to: - Mountaineer Cluster installed - Pics, problems, fixes, walk-thru WARNING! 35 pics! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Mountaineer Cluster installed - Pics, problems, fixes, walk-thru WARNING! 35 pics!

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Yah like I said it's been a few years but I did do the entire hybrid swap. I may have left message center in just to check. I would recommend swapping everything over especially since it seems like the one you got won't work anyway. You have to pull the board off to swap message center so why not swap your board that you know works?

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Well one of the main reasons I was swapping it out is cause I have a cluster that the message center will like glitch out from time to time and the speedo is off and I get this random 4x4 high light flash that comes on at completely random times weeks apart, completely different conditions. Did some reading and apparently there were some defective clusters in early 02 I believe. So I wanted to fix my problem and gain nicer looking gauges at the same time.

If you have a multimeter you can check the board for ohm resistance to see if it's functional. Then with it plugged in check for voltage.

This is no help to you but I installed the mountaineer gauges in my 04 thanks to this thread(again). Couldn't pass up a perfect condition cluster for $5. I only got the guage face/box no board or plastic cover because I was using mine anyway and it saved me some money. I'm going back to junk yard tomorrow if you need the board or message center out of an explorer or mountaineer let me know and I'll see if they still have them. I can't guarantee price I think the whole unit is $30 not sure on just the board. Let me know I'll be there most of the day pulling rear spindles hubs rotors and struts$50 a side and there is a set with good bearings.

Digging this thread back up. With help from the LED gauge cluster swap thread, I would like to throw a mounty cluster in with LED blue or white replacement lighting. I still have some questions. In this original swap thread, the cluster didn't work because of it being from a different sub model with a different message center (or lack thereof). If I were to buy a mounty cluster with the message center (that I need), would it actually be plug- and play? If so, would I still have my original mileage, or am I just all together better off transferring the faceplate and dials from the Monty cluster? Thanks for any help, I'd like to pull this off.

Your message center stores mileage. I would recommend doing the hybrid I just swapped faces and I'm having issues with instrument cluster now. I may be wrong but I think it's best to use Mounty LCD board and faceplate with your original message center swapped in
