Moving into the ranger world... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moving into the ranger world...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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City, State
Deering, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Mounty
So I've had my Mountaineer for like 3 years, but lately I've been wanting something for wheeling. Preferably something already done up so I don't have to put so much money into it. So I found this a few days ago, went and checked it out today and ended up buying it. What do you guys think? I'm gonna put some aggy plates on her.

38.5x14.5x15 Super Swamper TSL SX tires on 15x10 white wagon wheels, 3" body lift, sky jacker suspension lift, roll cage, convertible top, doors need to be welded back up, etc.



lmao, tires are bigger then my two year old twins
lol, taller then my two year olds.

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...You can't go wrong with a Ranger...Nice truck...:biggthump

Nice! I love the old school rangers. This one is all done up well. Ya- you probably should get something on for doors... you need something to catch your ass when you are hitting those climbs! The great thing about this truck here you have is.... *whisper* you probably won't care if you scratch it!! Shhhhh, don't tell the wife!! lol.

Nice color! :cool: What engine and trans? That looks like a D28 axle, and plans to swap in something bigger?

yeah, def planning on swapping in an 8. or something. I don't know much about axles, gearing, etc. so figured it's a good way to find out with a vehicle that won't be my daily driver. It has a v6 and the 7.5 axles I believe(not sure on size, like I said, don't know much about them) the guy that I bought it from wrote 8.8 on the pumpkin, but he was wishing. lol.

btw, it's an 85 xlt and the color is olive drab, the military green.

nope, don't care about scratches, but I had bought 2 gallons of bed liner for another project, but thinking of lining it up to try to keep it ok looking longer then just paint.

Question about how it ran last night:

Drove it home yesterday during the day (cold, long 30-40 mile ride to get it home with no doors or roof in 50* weather, lmao) ran kinda fine, twice it sputtered randomly and had to pull over, turn it off, pump up gas, then get going again. Then last night I started it, let it warm up for like 10-15 mins and when ever I gave it gas it would die or almost die, I had to rev it up and then try to go. Has new clutch, ball joints, universals, battery, etc. He had new plugs and a fuel filter cause he said the fuel filter needed to be changed, could that be part of it? Also found out he had been running it lately(hopefully not the whole time) with no air filter, so figured giving it gas and it dieing is from the carb being dirty (happens on my wheelers, same logic?) so need to pick up a filter today and clean the carb out. any thoughts other then that?

picked up a filter yesterday and some carb cleaner, but it was raining and it doesn't fit in my garage. lol. so today is supposed to be nice, after work I'll get to cleaning it and see ho she runs

changed fuel filter, cleaned carb and put th air filter in, still ran bad. so had my friend that knows carbs a lot better then me look at it and the electronic choke is messed up, buying a manual one today to replace it. For now we put a spring so the choke is always off cause it's warm out and starts right up without it.

Oh, and broke a u joint/axle yesterday. Wasn't doing much so we're guessing bad universal install or was already broken and couldn't notice it.



...That is an ugly mess to find...:(

....And it looks like you updated your signature on April fools day...:bsnicker:

...That is an ugly mess to find...:(

....And it looks like you updated your signature on April fools day...:bsnicker:

lmao, didn't notice that it stayed. Thought it would change it back like it did everything else.

what motor u got in that bud... congrats on the buy too thats a beauty

nice ranger u got there

what motor u got in that bud... congrats on the buy too thats a beauty

it's the v6. Moves the 38's pretty good. Today I stalled in town(still getting used to a carb with 38's and no gearing yet) and felt like an ass so gave it some in 4 lo so I could move out of the way and it spun the tires on pavement, lmao. I'm supposed to be trading the 38's for some 35's tomorrow, should move much better.

2.9? thats whats in mine... shes a 89... still runns good she was a auto when i got her but i got a std tranny to put in it just waiting to get a lil more funds so i can get a new clutch, slave cly master cly so its fresh and ready to go... i to have the wife looking over me so i gotta build what i can

hopefully the truck looks better with the 35s.. those 38s are HUGE

yeah they are, sucks to move em, they're 80 something pounds each new. The other tires I'm supposed to be trading for are 60 something pounds each. They're 35x12.5x15 Interco Trxus MT's. Should be much better.

2.9? thats whats in mine... shes a 89... still runns good she was a auto when i got her but i got a std tranny to put in it just waiting to get a lil more funds so i can get a new clutch, slave cly master cly so its fresh and ready to go... i to have the wife looking over me so i gotta build what i can

well everything I see says it's a 2.8 and I have the standard tranny. New clutch plus I have an extra one. Haven't felt it slip yet.

I did break my passenger axle sunday night(if you look above I broke the drivers side last week). But It seems to be bad universal installs then the dog bones hit and break up. I have an extra of each. I bought a bronco 2 for parts(most swaps over, SWEET) for $60, lol.

my bad i forgot about the 2.8 i got a 2.9 F.I. i havnt had many breakdowns from off roading just front end stuff close to what ur having u joints and bearings if u take any pics of u off roading it send em or post em id like to see

How bout pulling out a Heep? I added it down the side to mess with my friend, lol.


need to replace the seats, wanna put some buckets in.

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