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MPG..any helping


November 18, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Allison Park PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
02' Explorer Sport
Hey folks..I just purchased a 02' Sport with 199k on the clock and I'm getting around 15mpg mostly 40-50 mph driving with moderate start/stop driving. Any ideas what would be a good place to start to try to get a few more mpg? I was going to throw a tune up on the truck today...I have no idea when it was done last. It seems to run well for the milage....I paid $2600 for it after it was traded in to the GM dealer I work at. Loaded with leather and moonroof...decent deal?...Thanks Eric

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Try cleaning the MAF sensor. Check air filter, tire pressure and make sure you don't have a bad wheel bearing or a dragging brake caliper.

Great deal!

Hey folks..I just purchased a 02' Sport with 199k on the clock and I'm getting around 15mpg mostly 40-50 mph driving with moderate start/stop driving. Any ideas what would be a good place to start to try to get a few more mpg? I was going to throw a tune up on the truck today...I have no idea when it was done last. It seems to run well for the milage....I paid $2600 for it after it was traded in to the GM dealer I work at. Loaded with leather and moonroof...decent deal?...Thanks Eric[/QUOTE]

Just make sure the sunroof doesn't leak... Don't tell me you got dual power seats? :D Sounds like you got a great deal!

No passenger power..just lumbar. Single disc/cass ...moonroof is dry as a bone:D......255/7016's ...I've never been a Ford guy ...I have a 99' Sierra ext cab long bed with 255k on the clock so the high milage did'nt scare me. Actually I found a business card from the past owner of the X and I called him. He said he missed it and wished he would have had it till 200k...he said he had nothing but good luck with it. I plan on driving it during the winter months and sparingly in the summer since I use my GMC to tow my enclosed race car trailer (80` Plymouth Arrow tube chassis IHRA SR car)....So far so good with the X...but I would like to see if I could squeek a few more mpg out of it since the tank is so much smaller than the 34 gallon tank on the truck:)

Sounds like you do mostly city driving with it. You are not going to get a whole lot better than what you are showing. A tune up would not hurt though and it may get you an extra 1 or 2 mpg.

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