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My 93 BLue XLT

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Nice truck! I really like the color!


(I really like the rims, but of course I'm a little biased!)

That truck looks great!I have those same rims on my stang.

Well Id like to thank God, for making all this possible, for my agent Sam, for.... wait, this isnt the Emmys. :) I appreciate it guys. Hey Matt thanks again for the rims. You are the man!!! Im thinking about getting some graphics done by modern image, what do you think?

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(The graphics will be White or silver, not red.)

Thats the one i like, if you see any others on Modern Images' webpage you think would look good, let me know!!


...since you ASKED for an opnion,

Got to be SILVER, that will tie in the wheels.

But if I had the CUSTOM SVT BLUE X you have (never seen one in Ca.) I'd leave it alone.

My favorite saying is,"Less Is More". The one thing I really liked about your X was it is CLEAN no stickers etc.

The first thing I did when I brought my White X Sport home was Removed all emblems off the rear and lost the moldings. The only one's left are the Blue Ford logos.

I also removed the roof rack painted the screws white and put them back in. (will have pix up soon)

Again just my OPNION

Johnny V.:bounce:

Hey JohnnyV, you know you, you are a very smart man!! :) I hadnt decided about the graphix package yet. And I think you helped me make my decision. I do like the clean look of my truck, and the only reason I wanted the graphics, was to make it stand out, but I just bought a neon kit today and installed it, and it makes it stand out most definately. Thanks. Anyone else got any opinions?


where can you get the full billet grills for our generation explorers and how much do they run?

Originally posted by Explorer94GV
where can you get the full billet grills for our generation explorers and how much do they run?

a full billit grill like this? it was $100 bucks at 4 Wheel Parts... It is for an Explorer/Ranger/Bronco II


  • svra2.jpg
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The billet grill for this year truck is the only thing Ive found in abundance. Stull makes them along with a couple other companies. Try performance products, I think Stillen has them, EE, I really want a speed grille (the grille with the diamond pattern, like they sell for S10's) but noone makes them. C'est La Vie.


Your truck is bad ass I love the look of it. And You can get the billet grill at pep boys for around a 100. pretty easy to install I had one on my 93

damn, this thread died in a hurry didnt it :)

nice truck

I love the truck and I assume it is a 4x2 and I love the grill and neon underneath and what kind of exhaust do you have and how do you open your hood with the billet grill and was it easy to install how long did it take you and did you have to customize it or did it go into the stock location with ease.:redexp:

Dude, this is weird, our X's are pretty similar. We both have the same grill, clears, and subs. Looks pretty sweet man. How is the paint holding up on the mirrors? Looks really cool.

hey ewogo, you tryin to copy my truck? just kidding. For real though, do you have a picture of it? since I have the truck on sound domain, this guy emailed me and wanted to know exactly everything I had done to mine so he could do the exact same thing to his, i mean he wanted the PPG code for the paint. the store I bought the grille so his would look exactly the same, everything. It was very weird.

I thought its weird that you said "turning my parents explorer into this. because ive done the same thing. My truck used to be a redish/pinkish/orangeish bone stock X, until I bought it from them, and I turned it into what it is today. about the mirrors. there easy you need to sand them down to get rid of the glossy finish to them, primer them and then paint em the exact way you would paint the rest of the truck. Hey did you you put that EE front end on yourself. I want one, but Im not sure what it would look like with the running boards that are currently on it. what do you (or anyone else) think?


Yeah, I put on the EE bumper cover, it fit perfectly over the stock bumper. I think I had to take off the airdam, but I can't remember. I think it looks 100% better with it, but then it doesn't match the rearend. Good luck with your X.


Do you have this EE bumper cover and what does it look like do you have any pics that we can see I am interested in seeing how nice this looks you can always email me some pics also.


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After reading what EE meant I thought about it and it is Explorer Express. Brain fart on my behalf:confused:
