My 99 Sport has a cold radiator. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 99 Sport has a cold radiator.


New Member
January 7, 2010
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hopewell virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 sport track
I have a 99 sport track. radiator ice cold. gauge reads normal, plenty of heat. changed thermostat. radiator doent seem to be pluuged

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Are you having a problem with the radiator or your heater or it just seems strange to you that your radiator feels cold to the touch? Do the radiator hoses feel warm too or are they also cold?



plenty of heat. hoses hot. fluid inside radiator ice cold.

If it's a 99 it isn't a Sport Trac though. Where did you move it from??? ;) Maybe it's a 99 Sport.......

If the top radiator hose is cold then the thermostat isn't opening and you're just circulating the coolant through the heater core. As long as the engine doesn't overheat you have no issue. If the top radiator hose is hot then you have no issue.


wow thanks for the info. I think, according to the diagram I think I know now why my Heat will only work (just started this winter) when I start driving. I noticed when I was driving this morning my truck overheated ALOT then the thermostat released and went back to normal. Needs a Radiator flush!!! Thanks alot :)

wow thanks for the info. I think, according to the diagram I think I know now why my Heat will only work (just started this winter) when I start driving. I noticed when I was driving this morning my truck overheated ALOT then the thermostat released and went back to normal. Needs a Radiator flush!!! Thanks alot :)

No, it needs a new thermostat. It should never take overheating before the thermostat opens. If it does, it's time to replace it. Flushing it while it's apart couldn't hurt, but I wouldn't call it necessary.

When you changed the thermostat are you sure you didn't put it back in backwards?
