My exhaust ticking fix | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My exhaust ticking fix


February 12, 2012
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1997 5.0 AWD
Hey guys, I just put some new plugs and wires on my 97 5.0. It had 80k on the stock stuff, the stock plugs looked terrible. Anyways, after I got it all done I took it out for a drive and went WOT. At about 4000 rpm all the sudden I got a bad ticking sound like an exhaust leak. After checking it out I saw that one of the rubber hoses had come off the hose barb coming of the EGR Tube. Needless to say, I was pretty happy about it not being a cracked manifold. Anyways, I always had a slight tick when cold, but when I put the tube back on I secured it with a hose clamp and now I have no tick at all. I know it seems pretty obvious but I thought it might help some of you out that are dealing with the tick sound.
