My Explorer Is Broken :o( | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Explorer Is Broken :o(


Well-Known Member
April 2, 2011
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1998 UK SOHC Explorer
Sadly my beloved Ex. has suffered N/S/F bearing failure. She will go into local shop to be fixed Monday where I will also have the rear drop links fitted and slight leak in exhaust remedied - both of which were advisories on its MOT in August just gone.

Right now its just parked up on my drive, looking pretty and not doing much else. Thanks to Howard (again) for helping put my mind at ease with diagnosis of the issue and for letting me have the replacement part that was knocking about his garage.

I've stacked everything in the boot, ready to go for Monday when I will drive it gingerly to the mechanics and hope for the best ;o)

Sadly though in repairing the fault it wont need fettling with other components - looks like the bits I bought in the USA recently will stay packed for future use. Knowing my luck though, by the time I part with the Ex. over the next year (or two!) she'll still be going strong on her original bits (mine is a 1998 MKII with a genuine 50K on the clock)!

Happy and safe driving everyone!

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Oh No!!!!
Did Howard give you a hub? as i still have the one you sent me in a box and probably not gonna get around to fitting it 'til spring, so you're welcome to it back as your need is greater than mine!!
If you need it let me know asap as i can ship it in the morning

Hi Jan! Howya doin' Buddy?

The irony of that hub is not lost on me ;o) Howard very kindly has sorted me out though. Wouldya please just fit that damned hub and be done with it? :p

Hi Jan! Howya doin' Buddy?

The irony on that hub is not lost on me ;o) Howard very kindly has sorted me out though. Wouldya please just fit that damned hub and be done with it? :p

If it was just the hub i probably would have done it by now but also have to do the arb bushes and the lower ball joint at the same time. I have a little knock in that corner and the bushes look suspect and i haven't replaced that ball joint so all could do with being done. Plus i've bee ill, busy at work ...

You see i can make all sorts of excuses :p

You see i can make all sorts of excuses :p

If you were closer I'd suggest we do a mini-service-meet - and invite Howard, no excuses then my friend ;o)

I'd like to replace the [front] ARB bushings on mine, but given the rust on the bracket and bolts (and knowing my luck!) the bolt will snap right off the moment it is touched. Then I'm screwed!

(But glad to hear you're well!)

Well its back all fixed :)

Got the rear drop links, exhaust re-sealed (where the CAT down pipe and new exhaust fits together) and had the drive belt tensioner replaced. MY box of parts from the USA seems to be going down nicely - still have the entire front end suspension bits though :p

Sadly the EuroCar parts Conti-Tech belt that their system (and Conti-Tech) says is correct for my vehicle I actually wrong (too short).

Thanks to Howard for the spare HUB :) All fitted, working and correct - best of all no ABS judder at slow speeds (as I had feared).

As an aside, does anyone know where I can get the correct drive belt for the Explorer? I would prefer Conti-Tech part # or size details to track down please...

(P.S. Anyone want my old tensioner? The spinning wheel thingy spins somewhat freely but otherwise the unit is intact ... )

Well its back all fixed :)

As an aside, does anyone know where I can get the correct drive belt for the Explorer? I would prefer Conti-Tech part # or size details to track down please...

6PK2175 i believe is the correct part number
Conti-Tech online parts reference

There is a 6PK2065 (think that is right) but that is for no AC
I ordered a belt from usautomotive and fitted perfectly but can't remember the brand

Ford explorer new drive belt

hi i have a new one from usa have sold 3 with no problems repoted so will fit its £20 inc P&P. cheers chris

6PK2175 i believe is the correct part number
Conti-Tech online parts reference

Yup thats the one that the ECP catalgoue and Conti-Tech themselves show; but I bought it and it was short :p Checked the markings on the belt itself and packaging - although showing the correct part # it was too short.

But snce Chris Q is offering, I think that solves that then ;)

drive belt

the numbers on the belt i have is 6pk2195 its a milage maker by goodyear. it also has cross reference to gates k060866/ dayco 5060865/napa 25-068863 and goodyear 4060865. it was supplyed by rock autos . cheers chris

ChrisQ, mate if you say its 'good' I'll have it, no questions asked. Can you please PM me your ID? I will send money tonight!

ChrisQ you should have money ;o)

PS. Anyone want my old tensioner?

I think my belt is here - Postman tried to deliver when I was out (and left calling card). Hope to collect it from sorting office tomorrow :) - Thanks Chris!
