My Explorer won't start with a new key. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Explorer won't start with a new key.


New Member
December 25, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
East Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
I couldn't post in the 911 forum for some reason. Maybe because I have a low post count. But anyways, I had a copy of my key made at Wal-Mart last night so that my father could keep the original key because he uses my Explorer to haul things. He's out of the city for the whole day and I have to be at work in 2 hours. My Explorer started fine last night, but now it won't start with the copied key. It cranks and turns over just fine like it is going to start, but just won't ever actually start. What can I do to fix this? I CAN'T be late or call in for work. Please give me some advice!

This is a 1998 Ford Explorer 2WD XLT with 55k original miles.

Again, my apologies for posting in this forum.

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Does your copied key have the plastic around the back with the chip in it? Your fuel pump won't turn on unless you have a key with the PATS chip in it.

If your theft light is doing a fast blink it is the PATS system shutting you down. The only way around it is to use the keys preprogrammed to the truck. I am under the assumption you have the PATS system though.

They key I have with me is just metal, no plastic around it. And yea the theft light is blinking when I try to start it now that I look at it. Is there ANY way to start my car at the moment? Like any way at all.

They key I have with me is just metal, no plastic around it. And yea the theft light is blinking when I try to start it now that I look at it. Is there ANY way to start my car at the moment? Like any way at all.

Get the other key from Dad. This is the only way short of a tow to the dealership and about 100.00 for another key

Dang that's not what I wanted to hear lol. He's out of town for the whole day =(



Another reason to avoid Wal-Mart. A competent key cutter (i.e. lock smith)would have known.
