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My Ford Touch - Rebuild PDF- Very detailed

Maybe one of the guys living in the L.A. area could drop by the LA Auto Show in a week or so.

Maybe snap us some screen shot photos or some video if they are releasing it there in 2013MY vehicles.

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Wow, finally something solid from Ford; very welcome news. It is also really great to see that they included the NAV upgrade and map in the package. If this new system actually works it will go a long way toward regaining customer loyalty.

Maybe one of the guys living in the L.A. area could drop by the LA Auto Show in a week or so.

Maybe snap us some screen shot photos or some video if they are releasing it there in 2013MY vehicles.

Wonder if Loganfilm still is around here?

Are they showing at the SF show, I can go there for sure.

Great Info..
this made me chuckle a little ;)
"How do you know that these issues won’t happen again?
We are confident in our testing process."

Were they not confident on the original release?

Great Info..
this made me chuckle a little ;)
"How do you know that these issues won’t happen again?
We are confident in our testing process."

Were they not confident on the original release?

That guy who was confident in their initial testing is no longer there, seriously.

Great Info..
this made me chuckle a little ;)
"How do you know that these issues won’t happen again?
We are confident in our testing process."

Were they not confident on the original release?


I thought exactly the same thing. "This time, it'll be different!"

Actually, I do think it will be better. Looking forward to it, if I still have the Ex then.

Great news even though my experience with MFT hasn't been all that bad, most of my issues being in the annoyance category.

The area that I really want to see improved is the UI, especially for Nav and music playback. While my GPS system performs near flawlessly once it is set, setting it up is a pain and doing so via voice is impossible. The pdf talked about voice commands being improved. I hope that is the case.

One area not mentioned is music playback. Sure would be nice if they have improved the UI for playback from folders for USB devices.

Keeping fingers crossed that the new system will be all the greatness they claim.

While my GPS system performs near flawlessly once it is set, setting it up is a pain and doing so via voice is impossible. The pdf talked about voice commands being improved. I hope that is the case.


+1. GPS voice commands really don't work well (except as a source of amusement for the family). Can't say that it is that much better in other vehicles, but it is particularly bad with MFT (especially when the system gets caught in a loop, asking for city (get correct city), then street address (get street address), then asking for city again and repeat).

Anyway, if the update makes the system work reliably, I will be very happy because when it works MFT is great. The problem is that GPS, bluetooth audio, USB audio, phone for me work sometimes and inexplicably don't work at other times.

Now if they can also add the Applink feature which is what first turned me on to MFT at CES a few years ago, all would be forgiven.

Now if they can also add the Applink feature which is what first turned me on to MFT at CES a few years ago, all would be forgiven.[/QUOTE]

Amen +10

Am I the only one who who thinks the redesigned screens are too spartan? Do I really need an entire quadrant displaying nothing but the temperature? Were people really that confused that it needs to be dumbed down to such a level?

Im with you 100%

Dumbing it down to the lowest level user isn't what most owners wanted.

Faster response, better reliability/stability and the Navigation map system geo data thats up to date.

I want to push the heat seat button once and it responds immediately so I know its on. When I remote start my vehicle I want the SYNC/MFT to be already booted up.

Maybe one of the guys living in the L.A. area could drop by the LA Auto Show in a week or so.

Maybe snap us some screen shot photos or some video if they are releasing it there in 2013MY vehicles.

I will be there and will see what I can do about pics if I can spare some time away from the refreshed Mustang. :D

Unfortunately I will be going on a weekend so it could be insanely crowded.

So they are calling it the "MFT Performance Upgrade"? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!

I guess telling us they were going to fix what hasn't been right from the beginning would have been too factual.

And I do wonder if Loganfilm will find the new version any improvement to his issues. I hope they went to extremes with the testing and loaded up 6,000 contacts into an iPhone set to auto update the address book to see what it does to performance.

I also find it unsurprising that they dumped Telenav for Navtech. The Telenav map data had way too many errors in it.

Guess we will have to wait for Q1 '12 to see what Santa really has brought us for Christmas.

It would be really sweet if customers were allowed to purchase an upgrade to unlock more features. I would definitely pay for the SD card based navigation upgrade. The SYNC based navigation by itself is useless if you go off the route.

Also the ability to have multiple phones on your SYNC MY RIDE account would be extremely beneficial. As it is I can't use any of the services without my wife's phone in the car since her phone is on the account.

Nice find!

Screens still look slow to me? I don't like how the screen fades away before the next one comes up.

I'm used to Apple products where the screen transitions are fast!

I'm really bummed they got rid of the temperature display. I hope you can select the option to have it show.

If you could not see the clock before, you have no business driving on the road!

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It would be really sweet if customers were allowed to purchase an upgrade to unlock more features. I would definitely pay for the SD card based navigation upgrade. The SYNC based navigation by itself is useless if you go off the route.

Also the ability to have multiple phones on your SYNC MY RIDE account would be extremely beneficial. As it is I can't use any of the services without my wife's phone in the car since her phone is on the account.

Ford cannot upgrade your vehicle to a full Navigation system once purchased without. The full NAV system is integrated into the entire vehicle at factory and is not a simple add on unfortunately.

Also, you can add up to 10 smart phones to your MFT. The phone system connects via bluetooth, so youll obviously need a BT capable phone to connect. If you have one just go to settings> bluetooth devices> add phone. Very Simple, and MFT will recognize which phone enters the vehicle when you start the ignition. If both phones are in the vehicle, it will connect to whichever one is set as your default aka Favorite. in this case, your wife's.

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