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my new custom made bumper!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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northern california (Eureka)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 explorer xlt 4x4
hey guys!!! been a while since i posted so thought i would do one now that i got my ranger done, i can now start on my front winch bumer. my idea is to measure out a peice of channel irn, cut heat and bend it on both sides (after measuring for winch mounting area) then welding to peices down the sides to cover the exposed front panel peices that hang down, then make a couple mounts down each side for extra support and mount in the factory holes! sounds ok. anyways i will update this thread as i start. i will have atleast beginning of this project done this weekend. i will have pics on by sunday.

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I read somewhere on here that the frame horns aren't meant to take any real towing weight. not sure tho, I welded tow hooks directly to my frame and reinforced the frame horns with a lot of welds.


this is where im at so far:

i started with a peice of channel iron tht i measured to be about the same lenght as a stock bumper.

then i cut 0- half inch slits out of it so i could bend it when i heated it. the angle cut is a 15 degree angle to off set it 7 1/2 inches in the end so my winch plate would fit on the bumper and not hit the grill.


then i heated it with my torch and then bent both sides


this is the idea of it. not even close to finished but its a start.....


i have to fill these in with weld tomorrow and then grind it down...afyter that comes the mounting part:rolleyes:

hmmmm should i put it in the bumper or ontop of the bumper???

I think in it would be cleaner but it'll require a lot of bracing either way. you find anything else about the frame horns on here?

I think in it would be cleaner but it'll require a lot of bracing either way. you find anything else about the frame horns on here?

no i havent. i dont think that its a problem because no one ever mentions it in there threads soooo.. um=nless someone gives me a good reason to worry about it im not worried about it.

by reading these it looks like it can happen under extreme conditions. im mounting mine with tubing to slip down the frame horns. so it has a little more added strenght. thanks for helping me... that winch will mostly be for pullin deer out of the gullys. but when i need its help it wil come to action and save the day.....and my truck!!!

Just lookin out for ya man!!! I have now also found out that welding my tow hooks on is a bad Idea. that means this summer I'm gonna have to drill thru the 1/2 inch plating in the rear to runs bolts. and the front I'll need to drill out the frame. triple beads on all of them by a professional welder, but seems a lot of people don't like welded hooks regardless.

ways to mount the bumper??

hey guys. i got the main part of my bumper done now i have to build the mounts from the bumper to the frame.:rolleyes:.........anyways what would be the easiest and strongest way to do this?? any ideas????

...The moderators will fix it for you..;)

...Did you look at the links in that other thread???

yeah!! they were slightley helpful i have a better idea of what im going to do now.

I was thinking about building one just like yours with some differences. Nice to know that it works. how much did the steel cost ya? and are you thinking of puutting a skid plate in the front to protect the power steering lines from getting busted or does it protect the lines? great job.

I was thinking about building one just like yours with some differences. Nice to know that it works. how much did the steel cost ya? and are you thinking of puutting a skid plate in the front to protect the power steering lines from getting busted or does it protect the lines? great job.

when i set it up the lines appear to be covered. um the metalwas free cause my dad used to work at a mill and he "collected" this. im sure you can find it somewhere somewhat cheap. it works good and it is a strong setup.

thanks!! i will put some more pics up this weekend when i actually achieve something:rolleyes: and satur day i get new tires......so there will be some of those pics up to.

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