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my semi show ex

Alright I’ve decided to make a pic thread… as I have yet to have ever made one of my Explorer… this will include pictures of all the goodies I got on it.

Mod list:
PIAA Xtreme Super White Bulbs All Around
Reverse Indigo Gauges *removed*
*01 sport white gauge cluster*installed*

Sound System
Optima yellow top (secondary battery)
Knukonceptz Wiring (RCA’s, 0 gauge wire, distro blocks, battery terminals)
Sony CDX-M660 (deck)
Sony CDX-757MX (changer)
Alpine MRP-F306 (doors amp)
V900HC (subs amp)
(2) RE x.. 15” Subs
Stock JBL Doors

Plasmaglow Green Underbody Neons
Super Bright LED’s (in the headlights)
Oznium 12” Cold Cathode (in the grill)
Clear Tails (Not Alteza’s)
Diamond Cut Headlights
Diamond Cut Clear Corners
PIAA Xtreme Super White Bulbs All Around (except for headlights)
Customized PIAA H3 Bulbs (as fogs)
PIAA Fog/Driving lights
Window Tint (5% rear {limo} on top of 75% factory [?], 35% fronts {reflective}, 45% reflective windshield{?})
*soon shaved door handles and rear door knob

MAC Intake
True Dual Exhaust – quad cats stock! *low flow cats removed*
No Name Titanium Mufflers (will be modified again in the future)

First a stock picture… absolutely no mods (well maybe… I forgot how old the picture is.)

A picture of how it looks now.

Clear tails

Diamond cut headlights and signals

Gauge cluster
Under neons

Amps (messy i know, but it will be upgraded and cleaned up later)



Neon Switches

Engine compartment

Dual Exhaust

Tinted Windshield (not sure you can tell by the pic.)

Can’t forget the rims

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Honestly, it doesn't sound that bad. Although you can tell the popping at the end is metallic fart can tone.

j602 said:
Honestly, it doesn't sound that bad. Although you can tell the popping at the end is metallic fart can tone.

i think thats the left muffler, for some reason more air is coming out of it than the right one... i dont know why but thats how it is, not to mention its a tad loose so it shakes a little.

they are true duals by the way

*edit* i got the same problem on my compact car... but it has magnaflow exhaust... it has a metaly fart can sound to it, but i think theres a piece of welding material in it

It's common for more air to come out of one side then the other. That's what an X pipe is for. It balances out the exhaust flow to make it come out even.

your car went from mild to WILD!

cool i found my twin! except your mod list is as long as my wish list...

what kind of rims are those 20"s and did you drop it any? It looks like the front is dipped lower than the rear. Did you change the fender flares or am I just confused by camera trickery? It looks clean though ;) Dont be surprised if I PM you with a mod question or two down the road- but it probably won't be a question about an exhaust issue! I cant decide whether to ask how/who/where/why/or what went wrong, so I just wont ask. Anyways, looks good. It will be a great inspiration for me to keep the progress going on my project truck (I hope to run :15s in a year or so with the help of Ford Racing headers, Roller Rockers, EFI Heat Spacers, and NO5, hopefully the rods and heads last that long- 104K right now :D) Keep it up.

22's the front is lowered like an inch and a half or 2 inches (measured before and after but forgot as soon as i got to the after).

fender flares are stock, it might be the lighting (it was early in the morning) along with the tint and rims that makes it look different

nice shoes! you get any wheel-well rub on turns or bumps? i stared at those fender flares for a while goin' back and forth cuz the flares in the older pic look more like mine and the newer pic looks like the flares are thinner (like the Sport flares) but I assume they are the same as mine... Also, you really need to swap those JBL fronts, man. You'll be pleasantly surprised. ;)

Hmm it seems like someone made a replica of my Truck... I have no picture of it but I was told it resides in Santa Rosa, CA

wow im impressed with the sound-keep up the good work

Well updates wise.

Got the motor bored and stroked from a 302 to a 347 with 9:1 compression. Supercharger is still pending (stuck between two), hopefully I will have purchased one within the next week, might only be spending $2500 on the supercharger and FMIC (if im lucky, excluding install)
