My van went dead when I tried to start it. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My van went dead when I tried to start it.


Active Member
February 2, 2010
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1997 Aerostar 3.0
I started my Van and it idled for a few seconds then turned off, lights everything. Now I can't start it at all. Tried to jump it but nothing I mean nothing would turn on!

Wish I could put in more info, but that's all it did. :mad:

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x2 on the battery terminals/wires/connectors.

turn the headlights on (if they stay dark) then go to the battery and wiggle one terminal, then the other, then the cable where it connects to the solenoid etc, if the headlights flicker (or come back on), you'll know which one to replace/clean

The terminals are clean...I didn't check the solenoid, I'll have to do it in the morning. The van is at a parking lot at a resteraunt.

Bad solenoid, WTH?!? I just got the old one less than 2 months ago. Do these things go bad often?

The starter might be drawing excessive current. They do that sometimes when they get old, and the brushes start to wear. The internal resistance of the coils drops due to shorts between the windings.

also make sure the solenoid isn't hooked up backwards (the big wires i mean) there should be a diode inside to suppress arcing, but if it's backwards that wouldn't work right. just a thought..

maybe get a different brand solenoid too. glad you found you're problem tho!

you could do a crude check to see if the starter is drawing too much current. if the headlights are on, do they dim a lot when you crank? does the engine crank over slowly?

also make sure the solenoid isn't hooked up backwards (the big wires i mean) there should be a diode inside to suppress arcing, but if it's backwards that wouldn't work right. just a thought..

maybe get a different brand solenoid too. glad you found you're problem tho!

you could do a crude check to see if the starter is drawing too much current. if the headlights are on, do they dim a lot when you crank? does the engine crank over slowly?

Lights don't dim and the Van starts right up. Just a fyi but the starter is only about 8 months old.

about the wires I'm pretty sure they are on right, but just in case is there a diagram of how they shoul be put on?

I'm not entirely sure it even matters, but usually the terminal closer to the battery is the one which connects to the battery. the one on the other side goes to the starter.

if it goes bad again i'd just get a heavier duty starter relay.. like one from a 7.3L diesel or something. those take a ton of amps to crank, and they don't seem to go bad.
