My weekend SUCKED | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My weekend SUCKED

Post number 76 has been selected as best answered.

I'll get a full story up soon. Just got back. Short story - the car infront of me rearended the car infront of him, came to a dead stop while I was going 60mph. I swerved, couldn't get out of the way. I dont think damage is as bad as it looks, but my car is in SC and I'm in VA. No one was hurt, my gf wasn't wearing a seatbelt and she was ok (and yes, I do yell at her all the time to wear her seatbelt).

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Glad you all are ok. But if you feel bad now what about your poor X being parked next to a jeep. How does the X feel about that?

holy crap!

hopefully you get a decent sum

Ouch dude. Glad you & your GF are ok

at least your ok the car can be replaced

New bumper, grill, headlight, fender, hood, and an alignment job and you're back in buisness.

IDK but the tire isnt popped and the damage looks mostly cosmetic, looks like you should have the car back to normal w/ bodywork.

Glad everyone is okay, even if it sucks to be without your truck.

That sux. It doesn't look all that bad. What kind of damage to the other car? Hopefully the ins. company doesn't add insult to injury with a rate hike.

hate t osay it, but i have become very good at estimating damages... and there is some pretty hefty damage there... the clip will need replacing, hood, fenders, all that stuff... the frame will need to be straightened and the suspesnion appears to have some bent members.....

Ford Explorer Crumpled Zone :thumbsup:

How does your girlfriend feel about wearing seatbelts now?

Dang that sux, glad everyone was ok.

Pat needs many hugs y'all...

he really was a trooper this weekend though. I thought we both were going to be stranded in SC for atleast a few days. Thank God for a tight nit fraternity brotherhood

The damage doesn't look horrible, but with both air bags popped, I dare say the outlook may not be good :(

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Man that sux.

I really like that Explorer. :rolleyes:

New pics in the 1st post.

With both airbags deployed, you'll be lucky if the insurance doesn't total it. Nowadays, the airbags cost more than anything to be replaced and most insurance companies are totalling cars that are in an accident bad enough to deploy the airbags just to keep from paying too much for the repairs. Good luck though.

ah man that sucks :( sorry to hear about it

thats alot of damage, sorry to hear

I hate to be the doom-sayer, but with both bags blown it may very well be totalled depending on frame damage. You are both physically ok and that's all that really matters. It sucks that your ride got screwed up, but in the end its just a truck- even though you've put a crap-load of work into. I feel for ya bro :(

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