My X really showed up the Jeeps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My X really showed up the Jeeps


February 17, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I was down at the beach on the offroad trails last week. I was riding down one trail when all of the sudden I look to my right and see a brand new Jeep Wrangler stuck up to its diffs. in the mud. I decided to stop and see what I could do. A guy with a Grand Cherokee tried for 20 mins to pull out the Wrangler. After that, I said well let me give it a try. I hooked up to the Jeep and on the 2nd snatch, the Wrangler broke free and was out of the mud. The guy's comment to me was "Damn dude your Explorer is a monster" It was priceless. I drove away very proudly in my Ex, knowing they were baffled. Pics of the event coming soon!!!


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Excellent, cant wait to see pics. I bet they didnt like you takin pics :)

same here...any mods?

explorinVA said:
I was down at the beach on the offroad trails last week. I was riding down one trail when all of the sudden I look to my right and see a brand new Jeep Wrangler stuck up to its diffs. in the mud. I decided to stop and see what I could do. A guy with a Grand Cherokee tried for 20 mins to pull out the Wrangler. After that, I said well let me give it a try. I hooked up to the Jeep and on the 2nd snatch, the Wrangler broke free and was out of the mud. The guy's comment to me was "Damn dude your Explorer is a monster" It was priceless. I drove away very proudly in my Ex, knowing they were baffled. Pics of the event coming soon!!!

riiiiight....thats why 2 jeeps and a blazer had to pull me out at once?lol its not what kind of vehicle it is...its in the ide rather get a wrangler stuck then a explorer...theyr too damn heavy and not much power with weak drivetrains...but i still love my X....just wont go offroad with it haha

it has alot more to do with than just tires man...but yes good tires make all the difference in mud. Just helping fellow wheelers out is important, what kind of vehicle it is not important, although it is fun to tease Jeepers after you yank them from the mud, because I can guarantee they would do the same to you :)
Jeeps and Toyota's are light, this works for and against them, in mud, against....


I'm gonna try to plan a wheelin' trip in August in the GWNF when I get back to VA, gimme a hollar if you wanna head that way. I'm figuring we'll run Shoe Creek over by crabtree falls and camp around there, or we can head up to Harrisonburg and run Kephart or something

I've gone on runs with the NOVAJeepers before, they're cool guys if you wanna check them out (they love raggin' on exploder drivers, but really don't care what you wheel as long as you're wheelin!)

Heh...I had a Chevy Silverado HD pull me out of the beach once. It was a rush going 25mph BACKWARDS!! If I had known that my shift motor is busted, I wouldn't even drive on the beach.

410Fortune said:
it has alot more to do with than just tires man...but yes good tires make all the difference in mud. Just helping fellow wheelers out is important, what kind of vehicle it is not important, although it is fun to tease Jeepers after you yank them from the mud, because I can guarantee they would do the same to you :)
Jeeps and Toyota's are light, this works for and against them, in mud, against....
true ive even pulled out a fullsize F-150 out of a ditch with my 93 probe Gt once LOL i had pics of it on my comp...ill try to find em

Can't wait to see pics


:D :D
