Mysterious coolant leak. Experts needed. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mysterious coolant leak. Experts needed.


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to read this post. My X is leaking coolant once again. First it was the radiator and one of the hoses, they were replaced along with the thermostat about a month ago. A new leak started a few days ago, it seems to be coming from the drivers side, right below the water pump but not from it. It's leaking pretty bad and I plan on taking it to the shop on Monday but till then I wanted to know if anyone on here has dealt with this before. So far there has been no overheating. Thanks for any info.

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It's not from the heater core is it?

I'm not sure, I thought it was coming from the water pump weep hole at first but I can't find it anywhere.

i had similar issue it looked like slightly to the drivers side of the water pump but i just bought all new hoses, clamps, water pump, t stat, and coolant for under a hundred bucks.. put everything in and thankfully no more leaks... only other thing i could think of is the timing chain cover could be leaking which is a pain to get off since it is connected to the oil pan

Did you check the freeze plugs?

I took it to the shop where I get all my work done. The mechanic told me its definitely coming from the timing chain cover. Says I should have the timing chain assembly changed while he's in there too especially since my truck has over 170k on it. He told me he'd charge me a set price of $550. Is this a good price? He also said if I just get the gasket fixed to stop the leak the price would only drop by $50 so I think I'm gonna get the chain/tensioners replaced. :thumbsup:

I took it to the shop where I get all my work done. The mechanic told me its definitely coming from the timing chain cover. Says I should have the timing chain assembly changed while he's in there too especially since my truck has over 170k on it. He told me he'd charge me a set price of $550. Is this a good price? He also said if I just get the gasket fixed to stop the leak the price would only drop by $50 so I think I'm gonna get the chain/tensioners replaced. :thumbsup:

If I could have my timing chain changed for that price I would be all over it. My TDI runs $1000 for a cheap job and for someone that knows what they are doing with the VW's it is around $1400.

If I could have my timing chain changed for that price I would be all over it. My TDI runs $1000 for a cheap job and for someone that knows what they are doing with the VW's it is around $1400.

I've know the guy since before he opened his shop so he gives me good prices. I didn't explain that I thought it was the timing chain cover leaking and he confirmed it. He knows his stuff. I'll be happy when my X doesn't leak anything at all anymore :D
