Mystery leak (brutal) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mystery leak (brutal)


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2013
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94 Mazda Navajo
A belated Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

My engine (94) is leaking. The water runs out just as I pour it into the radiator.

Hoped first it'd be the water pump (thanks for the info on the fan clutch - it fits). But the problem is still there.

Water is pouring out of the engine. When you lie underneath the truck and look straight up the belt tensioner towards the alternator, one can see the flood. It seems to come from somewhere behind the shield that holds alternator and belt tensioner.

That this issue indicate a hole in the block? Thanks for any help.

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I'd suspect a hose.

Loose thermostat housing?

Could be a split water pump hose or a split heater core hose where it connects behind the Alternator

Thanks. Yes, everything points to the hose behind the alternator. Gonna check that in the morning.

Thermostat housing is ok.

Found that *******. The freeze plug in the head rusted through.

Looking forward to see the face of the parts-store dude when I ask for a freeze plug (living in the Tropics, this is a hot-selling item).

BTW: in case, I don't get the original: does anyone have a measurement of that thing? Haven't pulled it out yet - just started raining cats and dogs (living in the Tropics).

Thanks, again, for all your help.


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I'm not positive about the heads but they look like the same size as the ones in the block which are 1.5".

Clean the bore really well, maybe think about using some RTV. Use a large socket or brass drift punch to knock them in. Buy more than 1, you will likely screw up the first one.

Finally... pray your rear ones don't leak.


Thank you for your help.
