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mystery leak


Elite Explorer
June 13, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Clarita, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4x4
I've got a fluid leak somewhere, but I can't find it yet. I searched for a source under the car with lots of lights but can't find it.

On the front passenger side axle there is a brownish oil layer on, above and around the CV shaft near the inside of the boot and on the front of the torsion bar. It's not grease so I don't think it is from the axle assembly, rather it is an oil. I don't have any engine oil loss or burning smell from the engine when driving. It's not red oil so it's not tranny. Brake fluid level is unchanged.

Any ideas?

First things I'd think of:

1) gear oil (front diff)
2) dirty fluid from washer or coolant tank that leaked out when you were at an extreme angle
3) condensation from the A/C that got dirty on it's way down

Your #2 could be a possibility. There's no leak from the diff and it's definitely an oil, not water. I'll clean it all up and see if it comes back.

