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Name That Sound!

I didn't install them, but from the picture you posted, it looks like those are too small to produce the 'clink' I'm hearing. What I'm hearing sounds heavier and beefier... not quite a "clUnk", but somewhere in between a clink and a clunk. Heh...

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I didn't install them, but from the picture you posted, it looks like those are too small to produce the 'clink' I'm hearing. What I'm hearing sounds heavier and beefier... not quite a "clUnk", but somewhere in between a clink and a clunk. Heh...

The pads will smack back and forth if they aren't installed.i would start there,dirt cheap plus you can check the pins and other hardware wile installing them!

You got me stuck when you called it a jingle. The perfect answer is worn RA bushings for a jingle. The lack of bushing creates slack under the big bolt, and the big washer has enough room to jingle. But, you are relating this to wheel rotation.

Have you decided if it is coming from one side or the other?

A little part of me is thinking how odd it would be if this was coming from a hub.

I think the culprit may be the u joint/s. If it is more of a squeaking rather than clicking I would say u joint. I had that noise from under the vehicle and checked the u joints and they were shot on the rear driveshaft to transfer case and rear axle. The bushing were some old Spicer P8D and P8E I believe, so they were probably the factory ones. They didn't even have a grease fitting. Anyway, changed it and the squeaking stopped.

Also, if you have new rotors a but not pads, it could be the that the pads are bad.

Alright folks, the verdict is in.

Those who guessed the anti-rattle clips are correct! Apparently the clips aren't included with many Ford brakes, so if they weren't there to begin with, they didn't get installed at all. The reason mine weren't rattling before is because brake-dust got piled up and acted as a buffer, preventing it from making noise. When I put in the new pads and rotors, there was plenty of room for rattling.

So, no more clinkclinkclinkclink jinglejangle! Thanks for the input everyone!

Alright folks, the verdict is in.

Those who guessed the anti-rattle clips are correct! Apparently the clips aren't included with many Ford brakes, so if they weren't there to begin with, they didn't get installed at all. The reason mine weren't rattling before is because brake-dust got piled up and acted as a buffer, preventing it from making noise. When I put in the new pads and rotors, there was plenty of room for rattling.

So, no more clinkclinkclinkclink jinglejangle! Thanks for the input everyone!

;)i never heard anything either till every thing was new also;)
