Need 20's for my 03 Exp, Will these fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need 20's for my 03 Exp, Will these fit?

Found some 20" rims on craigslist that are 5 hole 5 o 127mm. Will these fit my 03 limited explorer?

Update: Thanks for the couple of responses but disregard the above post, I found some new ones that seem to have the right specs but when I punch in the vehicle type on the website it says they won't fit.

Here are the specs from the seller.

Manufacturer Part Number: 30462812
Condition:New, Rim Material:Alloy
Bolt Pattern: 5x114.3,
Rim Width:8.5
Rim Diameter:20, Offset:14
Rim Structure:One Piece
Number of Bolts: 5

Let me know what you guys think.

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5x127mm converts to 5x5 in. pattern.
I know 2nd gen pattern is 5x4.5 in.

03 is 3rd generation right? are 2nd and 3rd gen fits different?

'03 is a 3rd gen.

3rd gen is 5 x 114.3mm or 5 x 4 1/2" too. Dont reckon they'll fit.

Keep looking tho as thats a real common size on heaps of different makes.

Ok found some 20" 5 x 4.5, +14 offset rims. What do you think? Good fit? What about the offset... Good, bad, ugly?

Offset always throws me...I like the fat frog look so for some reason I have -6 saved in me notes with 4 1/4" back spacing on a set of 16 x 8 's I been looking at. I think the more neg the offset the further out the rim sticks? (Jeez, been awhile since I thought about this!)

Probably depends on how wide your tires are going to be? As I'm looking at 285 or 305's as my next set.

Might be worth doing a search on backspacing and offset if you dont get any other answers tho as I'm a little hazy on the subject.

Updated question. Found new rims.

Here are the specs from the seller.

Manufacturer Part Number: 30462812
Condition:New, Rim Material:Alloy
Bolt Pattern: 5x114.3,
Rim Width:8.5
Rim Diameter:20, Offset:14
Rim Structure:One Piece
Number of Bolts: 5

Will these fit?

according to the specs here:

The wheels have almost 5.25" of backspace.
Offset:+14.00mm / Backspacing (in):5.238 in

Not sure if 5.25 is too much b/s and would need a spacer?
best to take a jack with you and test fit first.

Gotta find another way to check it out. The seller is online and not local. I will call them later today, and hopefully they won't just tell me they will fit to get my money without being sure.

3 will get you 5 that they wont fit, they'll rub on ya coils (if they even mount) add the cost of wheel spacers as ThreeJ said and its not a bargain anymore
