Need '97 Explorer Sport automatic transmission help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need '97 Explorer Sport automatic transmission help


July 29, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
St. Clair Shores, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport

This is my first post, and I'm not actually an Explorer owner (yet) so bear with me.

I may take a '97 Sport (4.0, automatic, 4x4, 98,000 miles) in trade for a different car. Although I wasn't able to drive it due to a dead battery and not having cables with me, the owner disclosed (after I drove to see it) that it has a transmission issue.

He stated that when the engine is running, if you put the shifter into the "OD" position, that the truck won't move, at all. He said that if you put the shifter in "2" that everything works normally. He didn't specify whether you have to manually shift through the gears, or if the trans will still shift itself. He claims there is no slipping whatsoever in the transmission when driving.

Has anyone ever experienced something like this before? Does this sound like something internal, or maybe something related to the shift cable?

I'm willing to put in some work here (as I would be trading one project car for another) but if this probably means the whole transmission is cooked, I'll take a pass on this truck.


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Try this put in some transmission sealant its like transmission fluid but swells all of the rubber parts its a quick fix but did wonders for me .

Welcome to this forum! It's possible that the indicator is out of alignment. The way the deals sounds makes me think that the seller is trying to hide something. It didn't start when you saw it so you weren't able to take it for a test drive, and he said that it has a transmission problem.

Yeah, sounds like its kind of a shady deal. I'd pass and find something in better condition. Or at least find one you can test drive on the first try.

But if you get it and it turns out you need a trans, I have an extra one I need to sell. It is a 5R55E for an '00 4x4, but should work for the '97.:D

Sorry for not responding-I lost track of this thread. In any event, I appreciate the input.

The seller has been in contact with me regularly-he claims he is having the new starter put in tomorrow morning. He doesn't live far away, so I'll probably go take another look and drive it. Also, no cash would change hands in this transaction-it would be a straight trade for what amounts to a Mustang drivetrain with a car around it. To get my money out of it, I would need to part it out and that requires time and space I don't have right now. If the Ex only needs a trans, I can probably have that sorted out relatively quickly.

Silver-How much would you want for the transmission? I live in Livonia, so you're not far from me in Brownstown.

I work in Dearborn and can deliver the trans to you if you want. I responded to your PM with more details.
