need help after trans swap! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need help after trans swap!

country explorer

New Member
April 9, 2015
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City, State
colorado springs colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 mercury montaineer
Changed auto trans in 99 mountaineer replaced with 99 explorer donor trans it triped 8 trans codes so swapped in the obd 2 computer over also but now transponder key won't read new obd2 and don't have key for donor explorer both trucks are 99s with 4.0 sohc and awd any help would be great full thanks.

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Which codes? You shouldn't need to swap the PCM, you're just making more expense to have keys programmed. I assume the Explorer transmission was known to be good? Did it test drive OK after the swap?

I see at least 2 problems with the info you're giving. A '99 Mountaineer should have a 5.0 V8, not a 4.0 SOHC. And AWD was available only with the V8.The V8 trans is a 4 speed, while the V6 trans is a 5 speed. IF you somehow managed to swap in a V6 trans, there's no way either OBD II PCM is going to work.

won't bolt up

. . . The V8 trans is a 4 speed, while the V6 trans is a 5 speed. IF you somehow managed to swap in a V6 trans, there's no way either OBD II PCM is going to work.

The 5R55E used with the 4.0L SOHC V6 will not bolt to the 5.0L V8 nor will the 4R70W used with the V8 bolt to the V6.

It should not be necessary to replace the PCM for the transmission swap. A PCM replacement involves PATS which you want to avoid. What were the DTCs?

The 5R55E used with the 4.0L SOHC V6 will not bolt to the 5.0L V8 nor will the 4R70W used with the V8 bolt to the V6.

I didn't think that was physically possible, that's why I said IF and somehow. The main point of my post was there are problems with the info provided, i.e. Mountaineer V6 AWD, no.

Mountaineer V6 4WD, maybe
Mountaineer V8 AWD more likely

I didn't think that was physically possible, that's why I said IF and somehow. The main point of my post was there are problems with the info provided, i.e. Mountaineer V6 AWD, no.

Mountaineer V6 4WD, maybe
Mountaineer V8 AWD more likely

So many people think Control Trac is AWD. I'm willing to bet the OP has a V6
4wd equipped Mounty.
