Need help identifying sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help identifying sensor


Active Member
June 30, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Syracuse, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Took off my upper intake manifold today on my 94 XLT to retorque the lower intake bolts (which by the way were really loose) and in the process unscrewed a sensor from the driver side upper manifold that I have no idea what it is. It is the exact same size as a coolant temperature sensor, but has a little red dangly thing on the end of it. Anyone have a clue what this is...air intake temperature sensor?!?

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air charge temperature sensor, i believe. :cool:
i removed mine today as well, i'm cleaning the entire upper half of my engine while i wait for money to rebuild my tranny, and buy one more head, the only thing left on my installed short block is water pump, timing parts, and internals :eek:

How are you cleaning the inside of the upper intake manifold. Mine is covered with grudge (oil)?


I don't know yet, I'm going to try to have it hot tanked or something to that effect. I'm still looking for a shop and prices. :confused: If anything I will use as many different brass brushes and brass wire drill attatchments I can find. Has to be brass of course, to keep from pitting the metal, and alot of carb cleaner. :D Yes, I know I have to keep the carb cleaner off the sensors, that's why I removed everything first. :rolleyes:

it sounds like you took off your air idle control. Thats what makes the truck idle. The only thing you should clean it with is electrical cleaner

Clean it with diesel fuel. It is cheap and will do a great job of de-greasing and removing carbon. If you have already removed the sensors soak the part and then was off with water and simple green or regular soap.


the $1.50 autozone degreaser cans work suprisingly well
