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need help on wheel options

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If you have 4wd I dont think you can get those... I dunno about the space for front hubs.

If you have 2wd though, get the first ones.

why cant i get any of those if i have 4wd? i have 4wd by the way..

the front hubs will keep you from mounting up flush. That's why some people have to get spacers.


ah sheez.. i guess i gotta get spacers.. dont i?
how much would those cost me?

The 95+ Explorers should have no 4WD hub interference. That was the 94 back models only. Good luck,

ohh thats great.. hmm i got to do some research before i go ahead do this..

mainly hub interface interferes the tires when turning??

well, if you have hubs, they'll never go through the holes in the wheels b/c they are *meant* for mustangs that obviously dont have hubs....CDW does have a point though, the second gens dont have hubs, so you should be OK, but I'm not exactly sure.

The hub issue will be your only problem (if you have that issue) b/c the Mustangs and the X's have the same bolt patterns.

since my explorer is in michigan, i just had my brother check the hub.. he said there is no 4wd interface hub since it is electric 4wd.. so thats great

but now i have this question- what are the explorer's bolt dimension/pattern? the measurements so i can know whether the wheels would fit or not..

tgertz77- hey are u saying that mustang and x has EXACTLY same bolt patterns? if so then thats absolutely great..

The patterns are the same. The offset and width is the only concern. Below is my first set of wheels, Cobra 17x8's and 255/60/17 tires. Good luck,


  • 98Mntr96Cobra.JPG
    64.3 KB · Views: 263

the width of the rims that i want is 9" so.. i m assuming that it should be fine.. will give my x a sporty look..

i want to know the measurement incase i need it for other kind of rims... would be nice if you culd tell me.. bthanks

4.5" bolt circle, and also metric called 5 on 114.3mm. The common Cobra R's have an offset that will require spacers. Some aftermarket wheels may not. For 9" rims, look for 1/2" less offset, meaning instead of 25mm(example), look for 119mm(high side). My 17x8's with 1/4" spacers fit well, 9" widths would need an offset of about 10-15mm, for the same ball joint clearance. Good luck,

can you explain me exactly what do u mean about offset.. i m a noob, so excuse me ha.. offset is how much the wheel is off into wheel area panels? or what do u mean exactly.. a description will be appreciated thanks

ryf- jeez a beautiful pictures to explain me, many thanks.. wow now i think i have to worry about the backspacing.. since the ones i want is 9 inches in width so high chance of pretty wide backspace dont u guys think so? or i m supposed to worry about the offset just like what CDW6212R said?

well, a stock rim is 4.75" backspacing, 15x7" if you are widening, you want the clearance to remain similar.. sooo if the new rim is 9", with 5.0" backspacing, you need 1/4" of spacer, maybe. easiest thing I can tell you, take a board/ruler/anything with a flat edge long enough to sit on the rim. set this down on the BACK side of the rim, using a ruler/measuring tape measure the distance to the plate where the lug holes are. any distance OVER 4 3/4" will require the difference in spacers. Measure your distance from center spindle to outer most extremity (usually brake caliper) multiply times 2, and measure the distance from the spindle where the lugs are back to the forward and outer most extremity on the spindle/brake assembly (usually the caliper also)

that much room must exist between the outer edge on the BACK side to allow for the wheel to not have clearance issues.

Most of the wheels you've shown have inset lugnuts, so its likely you will have minimal issues, since the front of the wheel means nothing, its the distance of the mounting surfaces that will make issues.. if you are putting a 17" or 18" wheel where once a 15" wheel resided, the likely hood of offset being a major issue is slim, since you have more room on the inside edge in MOST cases. if the rims outer edge is abnormally thick, this statement might be wrong. ...

If you can't find the backspacing of the rims, troll some Mustang forums, its probably been asked 1000 times, so it should be easy to find!

good luck!!

If you also keep in mind you may loose turning radius, then the larger rim may be farther back into the wheel well as long as it clears things like Tierods and so forth.

The offset and backspacing are like torque and horsepower, they are related. One measurement can be had from the other.

Offset is far better to use/discuss/measure, because virtually all wheels have the offset stamped on the backside these days. No wheels ever list backspacing, that is calculated from the offset.

On these 95-01 Explorers, the upper ball joint and sway bar are typically the closest parts to worry about. The right upper control arm adjustment bolts are sometimes an issue also.

Hundreds of people have installed Cobra R wheels on Explorers. Hunt around and you will find that most of them have the 9" styles, with either wheel spacers, or little offset. The offset is how far the wheel is offset inboard, compared with the centerline of the wheel. If a wheel has the same distance from the mounting hub to the outside and inside edge, that wheel has zero offset.

For the 17 and 18 x9" example that you mention, look for wheels with offsets of 10-15mm. Find out from others with those size of Cobra R's, what offsets were used, and if spacers were needed. You would be better off to buy the right offset, and not use spacers at all. Regards,

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