NEED HELP QUICK! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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And den
August 22, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4wd
ok i fixed my headlight dilema with my white face guages, and now my friggin speedo (works) but it jerks like a ******* goin up and it wont come back down till i stop. ive checked the connections in the back and they are all tight. WTF DID I DO, i need this fixed TONIGHT i have no other mode of transportation to school tommorow! BTW i have my dash totally apart so anything you tell me i can try as soon as i get the info.

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Don't know if you got it fixed yet, but it could be two things... the needle is touching the guages (look around the round part too) It doesn't take much at all to keep that light little needle from screwing up. The other might be that the speedo cable did not go in correctly. You might have gotten that plastic to snap on, but the square end of the cable might just be pushed against the speedometer, instead of inside the hole it is supposed to go in.

Originally posted by mahieber
The other might be that the speedo cable did not go in correctly. You might have gotten that plastic to snap on, but the square end of the cable might just be pushed against the speedometer, instead of inside the hole it is supposed to go in.

Michael, hate to tell you this, but a '99 doesn't have a speedometer cable! :eek: The speedo is electronic. Your suggestion about checking for interference sounds good, though.

I think it is touching too. I taped mine down, and some mornings my tach and speedo stay down. A swift hit on the top of the dash a few times usually gets the going again. Soon I'll buy some double-stick tape and re-do it.

im guessing its hitting at the base of the needle cause i yeanked em out again and fiddle with them and they still stick. only thing is: the speedo is the only one sticking, not the tach. so i dont know what the hells goin on. ill yank the stupid things out again tommorow. this is turnin into a BIG pain in the ass! :confused:

I don't think I've ever even ridden in a '99 or newer. :(

ok got that fixed, the needles were binding on the guages. so now my F**CKIN headlights wont come on! i get PL and FL together but when you flick to the HL only the PL come on not even the FL will come on the with the HL swith in the "on" postiion!

Key: PL=parking lights
FL=fog lights

hope that clears any confusion.
